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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Lou and Kid were woken by a fierce pounding on their front door, well before sunrise. Always mindful of his duties Kid grabbed his gun and ran down the stairs in his long johns to answer the incessant pounding before it woke baby Emma. He was closely followed by Jimmy and Cody also in their longjohns, Lou followed closely, stopping only briefly to pull on a robe and pick up her new gun.

'Sheriff McCloud' a voice now joined the pounding as Kid opened the door

'Thank God you're here sheriff' the younger man spoke as Kid rubbed his face weary confusion in his face waiting for Grant's explanation.

"What can I do for you Grant?' Kid spoke as he recognised the youngster he paid to keep his offices tidy

'Sherriff McCloud, Crazy Harry has been drinking again, he's been shootin the town up for the last hour or so, shot one of the hotel patrons. That's when I decided to come for you, some of the townsfolk are fixing to take matters into their own hands."

"Give me a minute Grant' he closed the door on the boy and turned back to his family, smiling at the expectant grins on Jimmy and Cody's faces and Lou's knowing smile.

'Do you think that you could use two new deputies honey.' she smiled at what she knew was about to happen.

"C'mon Kid, Teaspoon would have" Cody spoke seriously, belying the grin on his handsome face

"Teaspoon would what?' the man in question asked as he entered the room closely followed by Rachel and Buck 'and what in God's name was that racket all about'

'Crazy Harry is shooting up the town again, I've got to go and stop him before the town lynches him.' Kid answered

'Well deputise these two and go and do your job' Teaspoon smiled, now knowing exactly what Cody was talking about.

Jimmy Cody and Kid all looked searchingly at Buck, waiting for him to declare his intentions before they committed themselves one way or another.

I'm not goin anywhere' Buck spoke, knowing that he was missing out on all the fun of the boys being back together again, but willing to forego that fun to ensure the safety of his family.

Lou frowned at the implied request. "When are you boys going to realise that I can look after myself' she started a familiar argument as Kid steered her towards the stairs. Realising that he wanted to talk to her in private, she walked up the stairs in front of him, turning as they reached the centre of their bedroom.

'Honey, its not you really, I'm worried about Teaspoon, he's been acting strange lately and I don't want to leave you and Rachel alone with him, just in case something happens.' Kid spoke quietly, he had used the short trip up the stairs to frantically think of an excuse that would seem plausible to her.

'You know we can handle Teaspoon' she mellowed just a little 'but if it makes you feel better' she shrugged still not completely happy but not as mad as she had been. She walked across the room and lifted his clothes from the rocking chair in the corner, giving him just a little longer to sweat and think that she was still mad with him. 'You'd better hurry, before something untoward happens to Crazy Harry' she place a short tender kiss on his lips and walked from the room.

When a fully clothed Kid walked down the stairs a few minutes later, pinning his badge to his lapel as he walked, he paused briefly watching the scene that was unfolding before his eyes, once again glad that he had joined the Pony Express family what seemed so long ago. Lou and Rachel were seated on either side of Teaspoon watching as Teaspoon tenderly cradled a sleeping Baby Emma in his arms, cooing gently to her. Jimmy and Cody stood fully clothed, waiting for him., each holding a rifle and wearing grins that split their faces. The only person missing from his happy family unit was Buck, whom he was sure was outside saddling the horses for them to ride into the township

Flicking each of them a badge he waited for them to catch their new adornments and pin them on before he walked into the living room of his home to farewell his family. Crossing to Lou's side, he knelt before her on the floor and clasped her face between both his hands in a ritual that had started when he first took the job of sheriff on. He kissed her tenderly on the forehead and sat back as they looked deeply into each others eyes, finally he leant forward and they shared a tender kiss, and embraced tightly 'I love you' he murmured into her hair as he released her. He refused to let her dwell on the possibility that he might not return from work one day and he wanted the last the last moments they shared together to be something she could remember with love, if times got bad. teaspoon and Rachel had witnessed their farewells often but this was the first time that Jimmy and Cody had seen such a display of pure love and devotion from the young couple, and their embrace had brought a tear to the eyes of everyone in the room.

'Kid rose, his hand still clasped tightly in his wife's tiny hand, he leaned across to kiss Rachel and to take his daughter from Teaspoon, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead he handed her back and then shook Teaspoons hand.

'Look after my girls for me Teaspoon' he spoke as he walked towards Jimmy and Cody

'Always Kid, Always' Teaspoon spoke as he watched three of the riders he had helped to mould into fine upstanding men leave to do their civic duty.

As they emerged from the house, it was to find Grant already seated astride his huge black horse, Buck patiently holding the reins of Katy and Jimmy and Cody's new mounts. He nodded at Jimmy and Cody as they mounted and returned his embrace warmly as Kid drew him into a brotherly embrace.

'Look after them for me Buck' he asked of his friend

'Like they were my own' Buck answered watching as Kid mounted his beloved Katy

'Ride Safe boys' Buck spoke as he raised one arm over his head, waving to them as they rode out, wondering just what sort of trouble they were riding into this time On to the next chapter
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