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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

WARNING: This Story contains aDEATHFIC theme, if this type of story is not to your liking or will somehow offend you please return to Tall Tales and choose another Story.

Two day earlier

Buck and Ike was sitting in the bunkhouse, they were signing to each other, so that they didn't wake Jimmy. On most days they would not have cared if they woke him or not, but today he was being a great source of entertainment to them. Noah had stayed in town with Teaspoon the night before, Teaspoon had said that he had a bad feeling that something was going to happen soon and he wanted an extra gun around just in case. Kid, Lou, and Cody were all out on runs and Rachel was busy making breakfast.

Buck and Ike were laughing at Jimmy when they heard a noise. "Riders Coming!" yelled Buck as he looked out the window. Ike started to shake Jimmy as Buck once again yelled, "Their coming fast. Come on Jimmy get up, we have to see what is wrong."

With that Ike and Buck ran out the door, followed closely by Jimmy who was still trying to get dressed. Teaspoon and Noah dismounted and walked up to where the other riders were. "Jimmy, glad to see that decided to get up before noon on your day off for once." Teaspoon could clearly see that Jimmy had just rolled out of the bed and he just couldn't resist a chance to tease Jimmy.

"This better me good, Teaspoon. After all, I would like to have one day off, that really is a day off."

*What he means is that he wants to get back to his dream about Lou.* Ike was standing behind Jimmy's back, so that he couldn't see what he was saying, *He was just about to kiss his pillow, when we woke him up!*

Jimmy knew by the way the others were laughing that Ike must have signed something. "Ike! What did you SAY."

Before Ike could answer, Buck spoke up, "Well, Jimmy, we were all just wanted to know why you named your pillow after Lou. After all that is what you were calling it."

Jimmy's face had turned a deep shade of red he hadn't meant for anyone to find out that he had been having dreams about Lou. Before anything more could be said, Teaspoon decided it was now a good time to tell everyone why he was there.

"When I lived back in Texas, there was a gang by the name of 'The Loners'. Real bad'uns they were. I remember that they were good at covering their tracks and the only way you knew sure that it was them, was 'cause they leave a red bandanna over the mouths of each of the victims." Teaspoon paused to let this information sink in.

"Well, that is a real nice story, but what does this have to do with us?"

"Jimmy! You have to stop being so damn inpatient. That is going to get you killed one of these days. Now, if you'll let me finish, The Coopers were all found dead today. They had been killed and the only clue we have is that they all had a red bandanna in their mouths."

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