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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

WARNING: This Story contains aDEATHFIC theme, if this type of story is not to your liking or will somehow offend you please return to Tall Tales and choose another Story.

Teaspoon decided that they should head out now, because this gang seems to like killing anyone they can. It is almost as if they go in to these houses in hopes of killing someone, where as most of the gangs will go into a house to steal and then kill only if someone sees them.

As they were riding out, Kid and Lou came riding up. Kid could tell that something was wrong. "What is goin' on? Where do we have to go? And what do we have to do?"

Lou also knew that they were going to have to head back out, but she could see that Teaspoon was in a hurry and he didn't look like he wanted to answer any questions.

"Let's just go and get this done. I'll tell you everything when we get back." Teaspoon started to ride away. He looked back at the riders and added, "Watch your backs, these guys would just as soon shoot you as look at you. In fact, they may even shoot before they look to see who it is."

Teaspoon signaled for all the riders to stop. He could smell smoke and he knew that this meant they were very close to the gang's campsite. He went over his plan once again with the riders.

Teaspoon and Jimmy rode in first; they were met with very unfriendly faces and guns. Teaspoon shouted, "Drop your weapons!"

The rest of the riders now entered the campsite with their guns drawn. What seemed to be the leader of the gang fired. Everyone quickly found cover and the shoot out began.

Teaspoon noticed that the leader was riding out leaving the rest of his gang to an almost certain death. Teaspoon saw they his boys had things under control, so he took off after the leader.

The gunfire had stopped, to the riders it looked as if all the gang members had been killed. Ike had been hit in the left arm, but he was fine. They noticed that Teaspoon was gone, but no one had seen him ride off.

At the same time, Teaspoon was closing in on the leading. Teaspoon had not taken notice of the person following him. A single shoot rang out and Teaspoon fail to the ground. The two surviving gang members rode off.

The riders heard the shoot and headed towards it. None of them were ready to see what they came upon. Jimmy was the first to reach Teaspoon. He saw that he had been shoot in the back of the head. He looked up at the others, he could tell that he didn't have to say the words. They all knew…Teaspoon was died.

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