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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

WARNING: This Story contains aDEATHFIC theme, if this type of story is not to your liking or will somehow offend you please return to Tall Tales and choose another Story.

Everyone was up and ready when the first light of day came. Rachel had breakfast on the table. The boys and Lou ate very little.

Rachel saw them all off, yelling "Ride Safe!" before heading back into the house. She started to clear off the table when she realized that she had, without thinking about it, sat a place for Teaspoon. He didn't always make it for the meals, sometimes he ate at the office, but Rachel always made sure to have a spot sat for him. She picked up the unused plate and held it close to her heart. "Oh, Teaspoon, what are we all going to do without you? You are…were the glue that held this family together. Now that you are gone is are family going to fall apart?"

Tears streamed down her face and she sat down at his spot. She still couldn't believe that he was gone from this world, from her life. She couldn't even imagine what the boys were going though after all, they had known him much longer then she had. "I know that I don't have to ask this, but yet I feel I must. Teaspoon, our boys and Louise have went out in search of your killer, please watch over them and keep them safe."

The wind blew, causing the window to open. "That's funny. I thought I locked that shut. Well, I guess not." It was a fairly warm day, but as Rachel walked to close the window there was one very cold spot. After she passed though it, she felt a huge desire to check Teaspoon's desk. She forgot about the dishes and ran to his office.

The riders were all very quite, Buck had found the trail of the last two gain members and he was now tracking them. The others followed closely behind him. Buck saw a pond up ahead and he knew that the horses needed a break. Although his heart told him to keep going, his mind told him he had to stop just for a small break.

All the riders dismounted and let the horses drink the cool blue water. They had all sat down and started to go over plans. None of the plans seemed right. They had been talking for almost an hour and they were still no closer to knowing what they needed to do then when they first got there.

"I wish Teaspoon were here, he would know what to do…" Seeing the looks on the others faces, Cody knew that he had once again stuck his foot in his mouth.

"Cody's right, we do need Teaspoon." Noah was the newest rider and sometimes felt as if he were an outsider. The rest of them all seemed so close. Oh, the others did their best to make him feel like he belonged, but sometimes he just didn't feel as if he belonged anywhere. "But maybe we could try to think of what he would have us do if he were here."

Jimmy seemed to be off in his own little world. He looked up at his friends, not having a clue as to what they had all been talking about. "Lou, did you bring what I asked you to?"

"Yes, but I still don't understand why you asked me to bring the dress."

"Because I want you to wear it?" Everyone looked at him like he had just lost his mind. "Ya see, they saw all of us 'cept Cody and they saw Lou, but not Louise. So I think that our best is to send in Cody, having him talk about how he would like to join up with the gang, and Louise, of course, is his new bride and she is more then happy to do all the cooking and cleaning for them."

Jimmy recognized the look on his best friends face and added, "Kid, it will only be for a couple days, three at the most, just long enough for Cody to find out if there really is only two of them and which one killed Teaspoon."

Everyone agreed to that plan and Lou changed her clothes before riding on.

Rachel had been going though the desk for over an hour and had not found anything but old 'wanted' posters. A ray of light shone though the window and under the desk. Rachel didn't know why, but she began to follow it with her hand. Her fingers moved over a key tried to the bottom of a drawer.

She removed the key and looked around the room to find what it was used for. The stove…she went to it and looked behind it. There sitting on the ground was a small metal box, in which the key fit perfectly.

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