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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

WARNING: This Story contains aDEATHFIC theme, if this type of story is not to your liking or will somehow offend you please return to Tall Tales and choose another Story.

"You two be very careful. Cody, watch what you say." The riders had just found the hind out. Jimmy had some last minute directions for Cody and Lou.

Kid pulled Cody aside. "Cody, don't leave Lou alone with them. You know, just as well as I do what they will do to her if given the chance." Cody could see the torment on his friend's face. He knew that if things were different, if his and Kid's rolls were reversed he would be just as worried.

"Kid, I love Lou as if she were my sister" Cody knew that it was more then that. He would never tell anyone but he knew if Kid wasn't around, and Jimmy too for that matter, he could see himself making a play for Lou. "I'll keep her safe."

Lou saw Kid and Cody talking and she knew that Kid was making Cody agree to keep an eye on her, because after all she was a female, and females just couldn't take care of themselves in a man's world. Lou could feel you anger start to boil. She had started to walk straight for Kid. She was so upset; she planned on really laying into him good this time.

When she was about halfway to him, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around and came face to face with Jimmy. "I know what you are thinking, but this time he has the right."

Lou couldn't believe what she was hearing. Jimmy had always been the one who believed in her. And now he was agreeing with Kid. He was saying that he didn't have any faith in her. That he didn't think she could handle herself. Lou was angry, upset and about all else she was hurt. She started to walk away, but Jimmy grabbed her,

"Lou, let me explain. We all just lost Teaspoon. And now we are sending you and Cody in to befriend his killers and if one small thing goes wrong these men will kill you both." Jimmy stopped for a minute not sure how to say the rest, but knowing he needed to. He had to make Lou aware of everything that could happen, so that she could back out if she wanted to. "Lou, Louise, if something goes wrong they'll just kill Cody. But they may decide to, well. Force you into stuff before they kill you. Hell, Louise, you're purdy, they may try to force you any chance they get."

Lou looked into Jimmy's eyes, they showed her that he was very worried about her and for a second, just one-second, she found herself not wanting to go forward with the plan. "Jimmy, this is something I have to do. This is something we all have to do. Teaspoon was so important to us, all of us. If it hadn't been for him, then we would not be the family we are today. We have to bring his killer to justice, we owe him that much." Fresh tears were running down Lou's pale face. Jimmy wrapped his arms around her wanting so much to tell her how much he loved her, but knowing that because Kid was his best-friend he never could say those three powerful words to the woman he now held in his arms.

Cody and Lou followed the two-gang members from the hide out into town. They had gone into the saloon. Cody walked up to the bar with Louise right behind him. She kept looking around to make sure the two were still where she had seen them. "We need some rooms the hotel was full, they said you might have some here."

The bartender nodded, "We have some." He looked Louise from top to bottom; his smile showed everyone that he liked what he saw. "That was two rooms, right?"

No!" Lou was surprised to find that it was her own voice she had heard. "We only need one. We're married, remember." Lou was a little irritated with Cody. How could he mess up the plan already?

Cody smiled; he had really messed up. Good thing Lou fixed it. He looked at Lou and then back to the bartender. "We just got hitched a week ago, I guess it is still hard to believe."

The bartender nodded and reached under the bar for the key. He handed it to Cody. Cody then gave it to Lou and told her to get settled in while he talked to their new friends.

"Hello, yall mind if I join you for a drink?" Cody noticed that the two men didn't seem to want company, but then again they didn't tell him to leave either. So, did you hear about what happen to the Loner's gang? Damn shame it is." Cody started to walk away when the men called him back. They offered to have a drink with him and after four or five more the two-gang members started to let their guard down.

"That damn marshal and his pony express boys! They justa don't know when to leave things alone. But we fixed that, didn't we John?" The man, or rather the boy, that was talking looked to be sixteen.

"That is enough! We have to go. Cody we are going to be in here 'round six for dinner. If you can make it then we will talk more then." John noticed Cody's hesitation, the realization that that Cody had been looking at the stairs all night. "Oh, if you have a lady-friend to bring, you can."

"Well, thankyou, I'll make sure to be there. My wife will be so happy, she has been wanting to met ya."

With that said the gang members left and Cody went up to the room. Lou had long ago went to sleep. Cody walked in the door and saw her lying on the bed. She looked so peaceful. It was a warm night so all she had on was a thin nightgown and a sheet pulled to her waist. Did she look like this every night when she slept?

Cody grabbed a pillow and a light cover from the bed and settled in for a restless night of sleep on the floor.

"We never should have let them go!"

"Kid, would you relax. It hasn't even been a day." Jimmy had seen his friend worry over Lou many times before, but this time it was different. If either Cody or Lou make the smallest mistake then they will both be killed

"Jimmy, what happens if Lou cries when they talk about killing Teaspoon?"

"I think Cody will be smart enough to cover for her." At least, I hope he is.

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