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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

WARNING: This Story contains aDEATHFIC theme, if this type of story is not to your liking or will somehow offend you please return to Tall Tales and choose another Story.

John pulled his gun out, it was still under the table were no one could see it, but Cody and Lou could both hear it and know it was there.

"Now, unless you two would like to join the Marshall friend as yours I suggest you do just what I tell you to. Real quite like lets all go up to your room. But put your arms around her and don't let go off her."

The four of them entered the dark black room. As the lamp was lit. There was a sound of a gun hammer clicking. Cody and Lou knew they didn't have much time left.

Lou pulled away from Bert's tight hold and ran into Cody's arms she buried he head in his chest as he close his eyes and hugged her close to him. There was gunfire, three shoots.

Lou felt another pair of hands on her pulling her away from Cody, who already released his hold on her.

"It's OK, Lou. Honey, it is all over." As Kid pulled Lou close to him, she could feel the stickiness on his should and she knew that he had been hit.


Jimmy stepped forward from the shadows. "Well, Kid and I decided to hang out in your room and Buck, Ike and Noah were all downstairs watching you."

The riders took their time riding back to the express station. Rachel could hear the sounds of riders coming. She ran out to find that her boys, and Lou, had all made it home safe.

After explaining to Rachel what all had happened. Rachel pulled out a folded up piece of paper. "I found this in Teaspoon's office. It was in a box behind the stove. I think he wants me to read it to all of you.

The riders all sat back and waited to hear Teaspoon's final words come out of Rachel's mouth.

Dear Boys, Rachel, and Lou,
If you are reading this, then I know that I am died. Please, don't morn for me, but rejoice it the memories of the good times we shared. You all made my life complete and for that I thankyou.
Rachel, thankyou for helping me with them. Please take good care of them.
Ike, you are one of the nicest and smartest people I know. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. They maybe able to talk more then you can, but you say more then they could ever hope to.
Noah, a time will come when people stop judging you for skin color. It may not happen in your lifetime, but believe me, it will happen. You have a family here, so don't leave us anytime soon, ya hear?
Cody, Son, the only advice I have for you is to think more. You need to think about things carefully before you say or do anything.
Buck, I know that life has been hard on you. You're not sure where you fit in. Give it time, you will soon realize what I already know. Follow your heart and then you will chose the right path.
Kid, I know that the South is a huge part of you and right now you feel that it is the most important thing to you. But I know different. Lou and the children the two of you will have is the most important. If you feel you must fight for something for them.
Lou, Louise, I only wish that I had had more time to get to know you. The real you. I have a feeling that I know what happen to make you dress like this. If I'm right, you did nothing wrong. Tell Kid he will stand by you.
Jimmy, you came to me a hot-tempered young man who thought that he would live forever. You have turned into a man that I am proud of.
You all mean so much to me. You are the children I never had, but always wanted. You are my family.
All my love,
"Teaspoon" Hunter

As Rachel said his name the lamp on the table was blown-out by the 'wind'.

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