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The Colour Family


DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

'No' Buck cried in horror, his black eyes liquid, momentarily losing his control. He cast his eyes over the camp, knowing what he would have to do. He couldn't expect any of his friends to help him.

'Cody can you keep them occupied?' Buck asked once again quiet and in control.

'Sure, what are you going to do?' Cody realized that Buck had already formulated a plan to save Jenny

'If you can keep them busy, I'll circle around the back of the camp and bring he back here.' Buck spoke, his eyes never leaving the camp. He waited for a few seconds then slid down the incline again, standing at a safe distance and returning to his horse, closely followed by Kid.

'What are you doing?' Kid whispered angrily, grabbing Buck by the shoulder and spinning him around to face him.

'I can' t leave her there, you know what they'll do to her.' his threatening tears overflowed 'I can't just sit here and wait for that to happen, I have to try to help her.' he scrubbed angrily at the sign of his own weakness on his cheeks.

'For God's sake Buck. This is suicide. Just wait until we sort out another plan.' Kid own eyes glazed over as he saw, himself and Lou in the same place, knowing that he would do exactly the same thing, realizing then that he would not be able to talk Buck out of his plan.

'Do you want me to come with you?' Kid asked prepared to help his friend in whatever way he could.

Buck handed Kid the rifle that had been slung across the back of Buck's horse.

'No, you have a family now, I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you. I know I can trust you not to stay calm, if anything happens to me and I don't get her out of there, can you take care of her please?' Buck asked knowing exactly what he was asking. Kid understood the task that was being asked of him and nodded, hugging his friend tightly.

'Good luck Buck' he stated and watched as his friend crept away. Waiting until Buck was out of sight, he crawled back up the incline to where Cody, Jimmy and the handful of soldiers were firing sporadically at the Indians.

Buck crept quietly around the base of the hillside, the Sioux had erected their camp in the small valley between two rocky hillsides, a gentle stream running through the edge of the camp. Circling around so that the War Party was between him and his friends, he began to creep down the hillside. From his vantage point he could see the group of five warriors who were returning the soldiers fire. One painted warrior was defending his position from beside the unconscious Jenny, obviously left to guard the prisoner should she awake. He continued to creep quietly down the incline until he was close enough to safely throw his big Indian knife. Landing with silent but deadly precision between the hapless and unsuspecting warrior's shoulder blades.

Reaching the warriors body, he extracted his knife and wiping it across the dead Indians clothes to clean it, he resheathed it and turned to Jenny's side, his eyes filling with fresh tears as he saw her badly beaten face, her torn clothes and closed eyes. Torn between taking his future wife to safety and helping his friends, he turned and lifting Jenny in his arms he began the ascent up the hillside. Knowing that at any moment the remaining Indians could find their captive missing and seek her out, he chose not to leave the way he had arrived and made good their escape running quietly along the stream. the stream partially obscured from the Indians by the shrubbery they were taking cover in, he was not seen by Jenny's captors until he reached the mouth of the valley and although being fired on with some success, he continued to run until he had rounded a large rocky outcropping. The Indians were unable to follow him, pinned down by heavy fire from the soldiers.

Pausing for breath he was relieved to see Kid standing in front of him, holding the reins to Katie and his horse.

'I thought you could use some help.' Kid spoke quietly, gently taking the limp Jenny from Buck's arms.

For the first time since his escape, Buck felt a burning pain in the back of his thigh. Realizing he had been shot, he looked at his leg and saw that the bullet had passed right through his leg, the thigh of his chamois leather trousers already soaked with blood. Pulling a bandanna from his pocket, he tied a tight tourniquet around the top of his thigh and then mounted his horse, gesturing for Kid to pass him Jenny. After they were both mounted.

'Jimmy, Cody and the soldiers are going to keep them pinned down for a while, to give us time to get away. they'll meet us back at the station later.' Kid explained

'Thank you for doing this Kid' Buck thanked his good friend, his head already starting to feel a little woozy.

They spurred their horses into action, both relieved to be returning without the loss of life. Riding hard and fast they arrived back on the outskirts of town almost two hours later. Buck, weak and dizzy from his continuing loss of blood, was hanging on to consciousness by a thread when they rode into the Waystation in the late afternoon.

As they rode in, Kid flung himself from Katy's back, almost stumbling in his haste to help Buck. screaming for Lou, who was just emerging from the house at the sound of their approach, he lifted Jenny from Buck's arms and could do little more than watch as Buck slid bonelessly from his horse. His iron will finally giving out, now that he knew his beloved was safe. Carrying Jenny into the bunkhouse and laying her on Lou's old bunk, he returned to find Lou desperately trying to lift Buck from the ground.

'Leave him Lou, I'll get him, Go get Doc Barnes' he lifted him and carried him in laying him on his bunk. Lou immediately lifted her skirts and ran to the Doctors surgery in town.

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