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After spending a little time at all my favourite TYR Websites I have reached a conclusion, we seem to all love Fan fiction. Between all of us we probably have enough scenarios for another three series (we could but only hope!!) but we will keep the dream of more TYR alive in our Fan fiction if not on our screens.

I have segregated the reading in Tall Tales into Six areas, the first for people like me who love the long intense sagas there is Long Tales a collection of Fanfics that are broken into chapters and continue over a period of time, then there is Short Tales a collection of short stories for the person who isn't really into the longer tales or who would just like to read a quick easy tale. Also there is Bold Tales for those who enjoy a little more spice in their stories. There is also Told Tales a collection of completed tales for those of you who would like to read some older stories. There is Alternative Tales , for people who still like to read about our favourite riders but in a different Universe. Finally there is a section dedicated specifically to deathfics Mourning Tales The choice is yours!!!

There is a new contest running in conjunction with the deathfics at Deathfic Contest,

Now for the boring stuff. The Young Riders was created by Ed Spielman. These pages are strictly for the enjoyment of the fans. No copyright infringement is or was intended.

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