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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

WARNING: This Story contains Adult themes and sexual situations, if this will in any way offend you or you are under age please do not read any further. Please return to Tall Tales and choose another Story.

Jenny stood just inside the door of her fathers store, the strong afternoon sun obscuring her presence from the outside world. She couldn’t help but watch Buck from across the street, her mind and body in turmoil.

She stood and watched as Jimmy sat beside him and spoke to him briefly before he stood and walked back to the waystation, his shoulders slumped his whole persona of complete desolation and dejection. She didn’t know what was troubling Buck, but for some time now he had been pulling back from her, the comfortable friendship they had been sharing slowly becoming more strained. She had no idea what was wrong but it seemed no matter how hard she tried to stay close to him the more tense and distant Buck became.

He was not only her best friend but he was probably the most important person in the world to her. She might be able to try and fool herself into believing that she came home to be near her father, but deep inside herself she knew that she had come home to find her destiny. A destiny that she was coming to believe would include her noble friend. The man that she loved. Tears welled in her beautiful blue grey eyes as she watched him walk away, his own pain shrouding him like a cloak.

Every time she saw him she couldn’t help but wonder if she told Buck of her own feelings for him things would be different. So badly everytime they were together she wanted to tell Buck of the feelings she held for him. the only thing stopping her was her own fragile emotions. She knew that if she told Buck of her feelings and he rejected her, she wouldn’t be able to live here any longer, bereft of his love and destroying the friendship they shared with her revelations she would be forced to leave the west that she loved so much, but she wouldn’t be able to bear watching him every day knowing that he couldn’t be hers. Knowing that the only man she would ever love would never be hers, she would not be able to live here and be the subject of his pity. Or worse still having to watch him marry and raise a family knowing that he could never be hers would be more then her heart could bear. He would be the only man she would ever love and she couldn bear to see the children that he would have with the woman he loved when she knew that he would never have them with her. She coudnt help but laugh at herself a laugh that turned into a strangled sob as she realised that she hadn’t even told him of her feelings and she was already imagining his children.

The more distant Buck became the more she hurt inside. She couldn’t help but wonder if she had shown the intuitive Buck too much of her feelings for him and had frightened him away. One hand clutched her stomach as the butterflies inside her all took flight making her feel a little sick. She knew that she loved him but she had no idea what the feelings that were coursing through her body meant, but she physically hurt when she wasn’t with him. Her heart beat faster when he was near her, the butterflies inside her taking flight enmasse when he touched her. When she was down the only person who could cheer her, he was the only one that knew her deepest dreams. she shook her head sadly as she realised that he probably knew her better than she knew herself, and now that he was hurting she had no idea what was hurting him.

She lifted one hand to run her fingers down the cold glass almost as if she were trying to touch him through the glass. She was powerless against the feelings she had for him, and powerless against her own fears to tell him of those very feelings. Tears that she wasn’t aware of shedding trickled down her cheeks.

Bill Thomkins stood behind the counter of his store, watching his daughter at the door, knowing full well who had put the pained expression on her face. He stood and watched as her pain and confusion turned to tears and shook his head sadly. God above only knew that Buck was not his choice fir a husband for his daughter, and if the truth be known he was the last person that he would want for her, but even he knew that she could do a lot worse then Buck. He could see the devotion and the love for her in Buck’s eyes every time he looked at her and by reputation alone he knew that no harm would come to his daughter while she was with him. He could also see the emotions of his daughter painted all over her face or in the dreamy expression in her eyes when she thought about Buck. The same expression her mother had when she looked at him when they were first married. That was why he knew the two of them belonged together, he knew that the two of them would have their share of trouble and heartache, but he hoped that they could have a long life together, so long as one of them would finally tell the other of what was obvious to the rest of their friends and family.

He took of his apron and walked toward front door of the store and locked it then moved to stand behind his daughter, praying all the while that he was not making the same mistakes he had made with her mother. Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder he offered her whatever support he could and then moved back towards their home. Leaving her to lean forward against the glass she pressed her head on her hand and dissolved into uncontrollable tears.

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