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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Buck knew that he was slipping away from Lou, no matter how hard he tried he could not manage to stay with her. It was like he was being sucked down a tunnel, he couldn’t stop himself spiralling into the darkness of the tunnel. It seemed like he was falling forever into the blackness but gradually he noticed that the blackness was receding, and he could see himself lying on the table. He could see his own face his skin pasty grey, his lips almost blue, a bullet wound in his chest about 3 inches about his left nipple oozing bright red blood. Buck knew that he had been badly injured before but this was the first time he had ever felt separated from his body like this. the first time he had ever watched himself and the people he loved from outside his own body. It was not a feeling he liked.

He could see the doctor working frantically on him, he could see the sobbing Lou cradled in Thompkins arms tears on his face. He wanted so badly to take her in his arms and show her that everything would be alright, but somehow he knew that they wouldn’t, somehow he knew that he was being plucked from life and the woman he loved.

He watched the doctor, trying to stop the flow of blood from his chest, shaking his head as he tried. Don’t give up on me please, Buck silently begged the doctor. Please don’t let me be taken from my loved ones. I want to go back to them, I need to go back to them. Please don’t let me die, there are so many things I still want to do, I want to see my new baby take it’s first breath, I want to grow old with Lou by my side, God I just want to ride and have the wind in my hair again. Don’t give up on me he silently entreated the Doctor.

Buck felt himself being sucked back into the vortex of the tunnel this time surrounded by the brightest light he had ever seen, light so bright it hurt his eyes. He didn’t know how long he fell for but when he opened his eyes he was sitting on straightback chair, reaching up to touch his chest, he felt the blood still on his chest and wondered what he was going to go through now.

“Buck it is so good to see you” an unfamiliar voice spoke from behind him

“Do I know you?” he spoke turning in the seat. His eyes widened in surprise as he realised that the words had come from Ike’s mouth.

“Ike” he stood and embraced the man that had once been his closest friend

“You can speak”

“There are no imperfections here Buck, everyone is equal” he clasped his friend tightly

“I’ve missed you” Ike spoke looking at his best friend

“How? Why?” Buck was confused by what was going on around him

“we’re all here Buck” Jenny spoke as she walked into his line of vision

“My God” he was rendered almost speechless as he hungrily drank in the sight of his wife “Jen is it you” she walked to his side and he folded her into his arms, his lips meeting hers in a kiss filled with lost love, lost dreams and unending love.

“Isaac and Jimmy are here too” she spoke of their son and Lou and Kid’s son. she looked at him sadly

“You can’t stay here Buck” she stated “You have to go back to Lou, she needs you more than we do” Jen placed a gentle kiss on his lips, watching the confusion and the pain in his eyes

“I understand Buck, I’m happy for you really I am, I couldn’t wish for anyone better for you than Lou Buck” she kissed him again “You both deserve a long and happy life” she murmured as she released him “I must go” she spoke looking over Bucks shoulder “Kid wants to see you” she kissed him long and passionately, knowing that she would not see him again for many many years. “I’ll be waiting for you my darling” she spoke as she walked away from him.

“Tell Lou that I love her” Kid’s voice spoke as he walked out of the shadows to talk to Buck

“She knows that Kid” Buck spoke hugging his best friend “She misses you” he stated

“I’m glad she has you to help her” Kid looked into Buck’s eyes “She doesn’t deserve to be alone, neither do you” he shrugged his shoulders “thanks for saving her life” Kid praised him “Look after her for me Buck”

“Always Kid” Buck replied “You know that”

Kid started to walk away from him then turned back “You weren’t meant to die yet Buck, they’re sending you back”

“What?” Buck looked confused

“You’re going back to Lou,” he stated then tried to explain what was happening

“We’ll still be here waiting when it is your time” tears welled in Kid’s eyes “Tell her how much I love her, try to make her understand that I am happy for the both of you” he murmured as he walked back in to the shadows.

“What does all of this mean?” Buck threw his arms up in confusion spinning trying to see anything in the shadows that were deepening around him, deepening so quickly that they swallowed him up and sucked him back into the swirling blackness around him and into a blessed thought free void.

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