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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Cody worried about the emotions of his freiends the whole time as he rode back to the Rock Creek station. He knew that often they all thought that he was shallow and too fond of himself to care about everybody else' feelings, and whilst he did care, sometimes too much, he always tried to lighten the mood and prevent them from saying or doing something they would regret later but this time he knew no amount of support from any of them would be able to help.

He wasn't sure who would be hurt worst but he knew in his heart as they all did that Kid and Lou belonged together, especially now that she was carrying his baby. All of them may as well be orphans and if any of them had anything to do with it, this baby would have both of its parents with it from the moment it was born. He had seen the pain in Jimmy's eyes, just as he knew the torment that he was suffering but both Lou's and Jimmy's lives would be a lie if he and Lou remained together. Riding into the station he knew that if Kid didn't come to his senses soon Jimmy would be inextricably hurt and Cody had no doubt that his friendship with all the remaining riders would be harmed as well. That was something that he was determined would not happen, not while he was arround anyway.

'How's things?' he asked as he slid from his horse and walked towards the barn and Teaspoon where he stood in the doorway watching him ride in.

'We had a win while you were away' Teaspoon spoke his smile still in his voice

'What happened?' Cody's eyes flew to Teaspoon's face hope flaring

'Kid walked.' he paused and watched the hope in Cody's eyes 'Not well of course but it is a start.' Teaspoon hated the way that the light of hope that had flared momentarily in Cody's eyes faded.

'Can I talk to you Teaspoon?' Cody asked quietly. Teaspoon looked closely at Cody and realised that something was bothering him

'What's troubling you son?' Teaspoon asked as he laid a hand on his shoulder and walked with him into the barn

"Am I the only one here who can see what's happening?' he spoke and threw his arms up in the air, despairing of what was going on around him. Looking into Teaspoon's eyes he turned around and faced the side wall of the barn as Buck walked in, ashamed of the emotions he knew that his friends would see in his eyes.

Kid stood at the window in the living room and watched as Cody and Teaspoon walked into the barn confused by the sadness he saw in Cody's face. Knowing that somehow it had something to do with he and Lou. Nobody knew how much he missed his tiny bride, how much he longed to hold her, to cradle her in his arms, god even to talk to her would be heaven sent, but she had been through so much already. He didn't care how much he needed her, he wouldn't have her caring for an invalid, if that meant that she needed

Jimmy then so be it. His heart broke as he thought of his wife and his best frient, but he knew that Lou deserved a real marriage and if he couldn't give that to her himself then he wouldn't come between them, no matter how much it hurt him, besides she had asked him for a divorce. He knew how strongly she and Jimmy felt about each other, maybe this accident had helped her decide.

Buck and Teaspoon both moved closer trying to diffuse the situation before Cody did something they all knew he would eventayully regret. They waited until he moved to lean over one of the stall rails patting a foal, before Teaspoon spoke trying to draw an explanation from him.

'What brought that on Cody?' Teaspoon asked his hands on his hiops

'I called in on Jimmy and Lou today' he stated turning to face his friends 'If she stays there much longer Jimmy's going to do something stupid, something neither of them will be able to forget. Lou is so confused that she might just fall for him'

'I knew it' Buck spat angry at himself for letting this happen.

'Now boys this is nobody's fault, you know how strongly they feel about each other. We just should have expected this.'

'What are we going to do about it then?' Cody asked impatiently

Buck and Cody watched Teaspoon closely knowing that he was formulating an idea in his mind

'I think it's time that we come up with a plan' he stated

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