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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

'How in God's name did you get involved in a bank robbery?' he spoke a little annoyed at Jimmy for letting Lou get caught up in a hold up when he was supposed to be looking after her.

'It wasn't Jimmy's fault Kid, he was in town picking up supplies, he left me at the Station but while he was gone, a gang of bank robbers stopped here to steal fresh horses.' she shuddered at the thought of the big rough men who had treated her so poorly.

'What happened?' he prompted her as she paused.

'I was sitting on the porch, I can't even remember what I was doing, and I don't know how I knew but I could feel someone watching me, when I looked up there were six men on horses in front of the house.' she gripped Kid closer as she vividly recalled the fear she had felt, not for herself but for her unborn child and the fleeting thought that neither child nor father would have the opportunity to know each other. She had stood hiding her gun in her skirts and faced them boldly, her actions belying her shattered nerves. As they dismounted and approached her she had raised a steady hand and aimed at the man closest to her, screaming at him to stop and not come any closer. He had conintued to proceed forward and Lou had not hesitated but had pulled the trigger.

'Lou honey, I need to know' Kid spoke softly, he had watched with apprehension as Lou travelled back in time, every emotion she had felt that day was reflected in her velvet eyes as she recalled it.

'I shot one of them' she paused ' But he kept coming at me, so I shot him again. When he fell, I don't know how, but somehow he knocked me down the stairs. That was the last thing I remember.' she explained to Kid, not telling him the whole truth to try and save him a little pain. The last thing she clearly remembered, was trying to protect her precious cargo from the fall and thinking that she had killed their child before Kid had even had the chance to know about it.

'Do you know what else happened?' he frowned knowing that there must be more to this whole story.

'The next thing I knew I woke up in this bed, Jimmy was sittiing beside the bed waiting for me to wake.' she spoke

'Where is Jimmy now?' Kid was still irritated at Jimmy for leaving her alone, especially if she was unconscious and unable to defend herself

'He didn't want to go, but he was the only one with sense enough to be appointed marshall until they can appoint a new one.' at Kid's blank stare she continued 'The marshall and his deputy were killed trying to stop the robbery.' Kid pulled her tightly against him, realising just how lucky he was to still have her with him.

'Somebody with a little sense had to lead the posse, Jimmy wouldn't leave until he knew I was awake. He had to go Kid, I couldn't live with knowing that the Marshall's killers maybe could have been captured and it was my fault that they weren't' her velvet brown eyes liquid as she explained 'I was fine anyway, I just had a feirce headache, nothing that some sleep wouldn't cure.' she murmured as she pressed her face back against his chest.

'None of it would have happened at all if I hadn't sent you away' he was filled with self loathing for sending her into danger.

'Don't be stupid' she pushed herself up to look into his face. 'You weren't to know what would happen. It's nobody's fault, it just happened.' she placed a gentle kiss on his upturned lips 'I'm just glad that I have you back.' she frowned remembering his condition. "How did you get here?' she asked

'Katy' Kid spoke unable to hide the trace of pride in his voice.

'You rode' she smiled as the realisation that maybe her Kid was returning to normal.

Buck sat on the porch and watched as a horse approached, apart from the fact that he knew there was a gang of bank robbers on the loose, he felt certain that they were safe there, but he drew his pistol and laid it across his lap anyway, it never hurt to be safe.

He realised as the horse drew closer it was Sundancer. Knowing that he owed Jimmy an apology, so he rose and walked down the steps to meet his friend.

'What happened?' he asked Jimmy, seeing his dishevelled appearance

'We caught them, all but one of them are dead.' he paused 'Two of the posse were killed as well' Jimmy spoke wary of Buck after there last conversations

'How's Lou?' he asked puzzled as to why Buck was there

'SHe's asleep, Kid's up there with her' Buck spoke quietly

'How is he?' Jimmy asked knowing that he would be furious with him for letting Lou step into danger.

'He's walking again, just barely, but I think they've made up' Buck finished with a smile, but then his expression turned sombre as he began to apologise to his friend, trying to mend some of the fences he knew his temper had broken "I owe you an apology Jimmy' Buck spoke always ready to confess when he was wrong.

'No you don't Buck' Jimmy stated as he dismounted "Everything you said was true"

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