DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.
Theresia rode hard and was startled to find her friends all riding towards her not more then two miles from the house.
'Theresia what's wrong?' Jimmy rode forward and spoke to her '
There are two men holding everyone at the house hostage.'
"What?!' Jimmy exclaimed
'I saw them lead Emma and Rachel into the house and I hid the children and came to find help.'
'Are they alright Jenny?' both Sam and Teaspoon asked in unison
'I think so, but Rachel is going to have the baby. She's been having pains all day.' she answered.
'Are you okay Theresia?' Lou asked watching her baby sisters pale face
'I'm fine but we have to help them.' she spoke quickly
'Okay, Cody I want you to take Kid into town to the Doctor. Theresia I want you to go with him. the rest of us will split up and try to get to the house without them seeing us.' Sam took control
'If we circle around and come up from behind our house we should be safe, theres a blind spot between the two houses.' Buck spoke thoughtfully
'I'm not going into town, I'm coming with you.' Theresia answered her chin jutting out at the thought of being left behind.
'She can come with me' Jimmy spoke recognising Lou's stubborn streak and knowing that if she was not included she would just follow and get caught up in the end.
'Thanks Jimmy she murmured.
'Lou do you want to go with Kid?' Teaspoon asked
'No I need to see that our babies are safe' she spoke as they all set off.
They rode with Cody until they were almost in town then doubled back and moved quietly through the gently undulating land behind their property until they had almost reached the houses. Leaving they horses behind a small incline they made their way to Buck's house. Sneaking carefully across the space between the two houses they pressed themselves against the back wall of Kid and Lou's home. They heard the tiny cries of Lou's babies from the barn. Lou looked to Sam and Teaspoon for guidance torn between keeping their arrival secret or comforting the babies.
'I'll go' Theresia murmured and before anyone could say any different she darted across the space between the house and the barn. The others all held their breath as they watched her run, hoping that she could make it without notice.
They all breathed a sigh of relief as they watched her slip between the partly open barn doors. They all crept slowly and quietly around the side of the house until they were all on the same side as the living room, where it was obvious Emma and Rachel were.
"What are we going to do?' Buck asked softly
'Wait for him to do something. If he leaves the room, we could take him, but I don't want Emma or Rachel harmed.' Sam spoke the fierce protectiveness he felt evident in his eyes.
As they listened, they heard his boots stride quickly across the room then their porch, moving silently around the house they rounded the corner just in time to see him enter the barn. Teaspoon physically restrained the struggling Lou, as she tried to run and help her sister and children.
However, at the sound of a gunblast unmindful of their own safety they all ran quickly towards the barn.
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