DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.
Kid dragged himself to his feet, swaying slightly, his vision blurring and his head ringing as he attempted to gain his balance and remain upright. Jenny jumped to her feet and tried to help him, but he brushed her hands away. His left arm, hanging limply by his side, the damage to his shoulder was so severe that he had no feeling or movement in it. Struggling with his own weakness he fumbled with his belt, unbuckling it, he grimaced as he moved his other arm to push it between his belt and his waistband, trying to stop further injury. Trying in a very inefficient way to immobilise his arm, but knowing that he would only damage it more dragging it behind him. '
C'mon Jenny, where do we go?' he urged her
'This way Kid' she pushed herself under his good arm and led him towards the back of shaft. They stumbled clumsily, Kid's energy draining rapidly, but after what seemed like hours they found themselves walking towards a shaft of bright sunlight.
Reaching the outside, their eyes squinted against the strong light until they adjusted to the glare. Quickly taking in their surroundings. Kid knew that their only hope was to climb slightly further up the mountain side and around to the other side, to ensure that they wouldn't be seen by their captors. Desperate to make it back to his wife and children, he determinedly pushed on. He knew that his strength would not hold out for long, Jenny's only hope was to get far enough away from their abductors to be out of harms way before night fell. Jenny pulled him with her, half running half dragging Kid towards the crest of the small mountain and when they reached the apex, they paused for to catch their breath. Starting down the other side of the peak, they slid more than walked while trying to hurry, sliding almost 60 feet. Jenny pulled the semi-conscious Kid to his feet, provoking him into continuing on to a small grove of trees.
When they reached them, Jenny pulled Kid deep into the trees in the shadows in the heart of the trees. Finally stopping she helped Kid to sit and then sat beside him, pulling him into his arms to stop his uncontrollable shudders.
'Kid, it'll be okay, we can't be more than twenty miles from home.' she cried cradling his head in both her arms crying into his hair
'Jenny, please.' he murmured 'Leave me here.' he lifted his good arm and cradled her face. He watched as she bit her lip, bravely holding the threatening tears in check.
'Please Jenn, I know what I'm saying. If you stay here I'll only slow you down, they won't think of looking on this side of the mountain. You will be able to get back and get help.' he paused not wanting to think of the alternative 'Jenny you have to go, think about the baby.' he pleaded
'Kid, If I were to leave you and anything happened, I would never be able to look my bestfriend in the eye again. Please don't make me lose the both of you.' she steeled her resolve. Rising to her feet she bent to help him stand.
'You are as bad as Lou' Kid muttered fighting against the blackness that threatened every time he moved Jenny positioned herself under his other arm and they continued their sliding descent down the mountainside. It was well after nightfall hen they reached the base of the mountain and the flat grazing land of the rest of the property. Jenny had kept up a constant stream of chatter, desperately trying to keep Kid's attention. He had fluctuated between conherence and irational mumblings, stumbling more often than walking, but while Jenny kept him upright she knew that they wold be able to continue, because sheer willpower and the desire to return to his beloved was keeping him going.
Feeling her own strength waning and knowing that they would have to find a hideout for the daylight hours, she spent some time watching her surroundings, looking for the ideal place. She eventually decided on a small cave that was no more than an indentation in a slight rock face. The thing which made it an ideal hideout was the profusion of undergrowth and shrubbery which almost completely obscured it from view. She carefully helped Kid into the cave and laid him gently on the ground, trying to make him as comfortable as she could, before she went back into the night and left signs that only Buck would be able to read if he was tracking them. Returning to the near delerious and shivering Kid's side, she knew that to light a fire would be the ultimate in stupidity if they were being followed. Improvising she laid by Kid's side and pressing herself against him she held him close trying to share her body warmth with him. Cradled in her arms, he bgan to calm a little although he still moaned in pain when he moved his injured shoulder.
Lou was up and dressed in her regular express clothes by the time the sun had started to lighten the horizon. Waiting in her living room with her babies, she had plenty of time to reflect on how life without Kid would be. Willing away the tears that automatically welled in her luminous brown eyes, she realised that she could not imagine a life without her beloved husband in it. Unbeknowst to her, Jimmy had been leaning in the kitchen doorway watching her emotions play over her face. Seeing the steely resolve that she so often showed when trying to prove a point, he couldn't resist but tease her.
'It's about time!' he spoke. Lou clearly startled spun on him
'What?' she asked startled
'I've been waiting for you to get your backbone back.' he smiled
'You think you're smart don't you?' she asked smiling at him.
'No, but I hated seeing you torn up like you have been.' he stated simply
'I still am, but I realised that is not helping Kid' she answered 'Kid needs me to keep my head and try to find him. Don't misunderstand me, Kid is like the other half of my soul, without one the other one cannot function. I need him as much as he needs me. But he needs me to find him. I would gladly give my soul to save him.' she looked into his eyes deeply
'Thats I why I could never have pursued you all those years ago. Even then we could all see the utter devotion you two had for each other. I couldn't tarnish that.' Jimmy shook his head sadly. She watched him closely, unsure of herself around him for the first time in years until he continued speaking.
'C'mon lets go find that husband of yours.' he coaxed leading her outside to where he had left Sam, Buck and Teaspoon waiting for him. Rachel and Emma both stood there waiting to embrace their young friend, and wish her luck on her search for her husband. She mounted Lightning and looked at Buck's ashen face.
'Buck, please stay here.' she spoke softly
'No' he shook his head 'I must find my wife' he spoke through clenched teeth "I am the only one that knows where they are.'
With that they rode out to find their loved ones, the determination to succeed evident on each face. No-one was prepared to fail.
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