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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Kid limped slowly to the barn to sadlde Katy and ride out in search of Red Bear. Ike, unable to sleep, worried about his closest friend, saw Kid and wandered over to the barn to find out what was going on.

he signed as he watched Kid's movements

'To find Red Bear" Kid spoke wearily

Ike offered

'No he might need you here' Kid spoke, he looked up into Ike's face as he tightened Katies saddle 'If the worst should happen you need to be here' he spoke sadly Ike nodded he signed looking at Kid's pasty skin and weary movements

'I'll be fin... Red Ber needs to be here... I need to do this for Buck... I'll rest when I get back'

Ike signed as Kid mounted and rode towards the barn door. Ike knew that he wouldn't be able to discourage the determined Kid.

Over the next three days Lou devoted herself to Buck, it didn't matter what the others did they could not remove her from her position at his side. The others stuck to their roster if only to provide support for Lou if she would accept it. Lou fed him, bathed him, sponged him when his temperature rose, covered him when he shivered with cold. Even when she slept she slept seated art his side with one hand resting gently on his chest. Rachel watched her vigil, uinderstanding yet not condoning her actions. Smiling with her when Buck made some small noise or movement, weeping with her when his breathing faltered and yet she wondered how long it would be before Lou reached her breaking point. She knew that nights were the worst, his breathing shallow at the very best of times as darkness fell became erratci, it almost seemed tat he forgot to breath when the night air became shill. They had quickly discovered that in those circumstances a qucik shake would force him to draw a breth. Even the thought of falling asleep sent shivers of fear down their spines, so Lou grabbed what little bits of sleep she did get during the daylight hours and even then she only relaxed enough to doze, never really sleeping at all. She spoke softly to him the whole time, her voice becoming hoarse and little more than a whisper bu she wantedhim to know that she was always there and awaiting his return.

Early on the fourth morning, Kid rode into the way station closely followed by two indians on bareback ponies. teaspoon and Rachel were seated on the patio swing as they rde up, stnding when they realised who it was.

'Kid, who are your friends?' Teaspoon asked warily to be sure.

"Teaspoon' Kid looked exhausted and sorely in nee of rest but he was determined to fulfil his vow 'This is Red Bear. Buck's older brother and Soaring Eagle his medicine man'

'Pleased to meet you Red Bear' Teaspoon spoke to the indian inclining his head in greeting.

"Running Buck has told me much of you Marshall, but even with your hep, it is not safe for us to be here. Can I see my brother please.

'Of course Red Bear.' Rachel spoke, the gruff indian chief frightening her a little but she happily took him and his medicine man through to his baby brother.

Jimmy who was on watch at that time patiently slipped out of the room to give him some privacy with his brother. When Red Bear followed Rachel into the room he knew that the young lady at his brothers side was Louise, he had heard so much about her on Buck's infrequent visits and what he had not heard he had seen in Buck's expressive eyes. He knelt at her side, a gentle hand on her shoulder.

'Louise, can we see Buck alone for a moment please.' Lou looked deeply into his eyes and knew that he wouldn't let anything happen to his brother. Climbing to her feet she walked to the door where Rechel stood and sank into her embrace. Wanting to give Red Bear the privacy he requested they walked onto the porch. Racvhel steered Lou towards the steps where they sat down content tfor a short time to sit in silence. Rachel was puzzled when silent sobs racked Lou's tiny body, but she soon realised that the emotion of the last few days was getting the better of her in her exhaustion.

'Ssh Lou, It's alright' Rachel hugged her tighter.

Lou shook her head "No its not, he's so sick' she murmured

'And every day his breathing gets a little stronger, his bones mend a little more and he gets a little stronger. He will be fine Lou.' Rachel spoke truly convinced for the firsttime since they had returned that he would get well.

'He did this for me and Kid Rachel, I so badly wish that I could give him what he wants, wat he deserves, but it wouldn't be right and he doesn't deserve a lie' she looked into Rache;s face searching for an answer

'Honey, he didn't do this so that you would feel obligated to be with him. He did this because he wants you to be happy. If you were tobreak things off with Kid now, everything that Bnuck has done would be for nothing' Rachel spoke softly but wisely

'Things won't ever be the same will they' Lou tried to dry her tears

'Probably not lou, but at leawst you all still have each other' both women were starteld a a low droning chant resonated from the house.

'Kid just got back Lou, why don't you go and see if he's okay' Lou stood nodding her head and walked slowly to the bunkhouse. Rachel watched her go hoping that she would get some well needed sleep.

The boys all except Kid seated silently at the bunkhouse table watched her walk in, her eyes resting lightly o each of them as she searched the room for Kid. When she saw him laying on his bunk resting wearily, she went straight to the side of the bunk. No words were needed as Kid opened his arms to her and she slid into his embrace, her head resting on his shoulder, her arms going about his waist, each needing to feel the other close. Both slid into a deep dreamless sleep borne of more than a week of exhaustion, sleepless nights and fear. Each feeling deep in their being that Buck's current predicament was all their own fault, which rightly or wrongly had pushed them into their current situation.

The other boys watched on with interest, wach knowing that the strain on the young couple had been immense over the last six days but it seemed that finally things were slipping back into the routine that they were all familiar with. Jimmy stood quietly and gestured for the others to follow him, he turned ans spoke to the others as Cody closed the door behind them.

'I think we should all stay outside for a while'

'What for?' Noach asked frowning

'We've all rested, neither of them have. If she wakes up nothing is going to keep her awasy from Buck's side and he's just as stubborn, stubborn w\enough to stay by her side.' Jimmy spoke knowing both of his friends perhaps too well.

The others nodded in agreement and went about their daily chores, content to let the young couple sleep in peace while they could.

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