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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Cody and Jimmy lay on their stomaches at the top of the ridge watching helplessly as Buck was beaten into insensibility by the Indians. They had watched in silence as Kid had passed by them several moments before, good fortune more than anything keeping him on his horse as he lay slumped semi conscious against its neck. As the agent had turned his back on Buck the six Indians had taken it upon themselves to use Buck as a punching bag. Unable to watch any longer they slid down the hill to where Kid was being reunited with the others.

'Kid Kid talk to me' Lou spoke almost frantically as she tried to get him to wake. Ike and Noah lifted him from the horses back and deposited him gently on the ground. They stood back and let Lou and Teaspoon tend to his wounds. Lou knelt on the ground beside him and cradled his head in her lap, tenderly washing the blood and dirt from his face with a damp cloth as Teaspoon tore the bloodied shirt from his chest, worried though relieved to find a bullet wound just below his armpit which appeared to have passed right through his body and as far as Teaspoon could tell no sign of infection was there. As gently as they could Lou and Teaspoon bandaged Kids chest, wincing as he moaned in pain. When they were finished Teaspoon squeezed Lou's hand in support and walked over to the other four boys.

"How is he?' Jimmy asked concern creasing his handsome features.

'I think he'll be fine, the bullet passed clean through, he's weak from losing so much blood, but he'll be okay' he paused looking into Jimmy and Cody's tortured features.

'How's Buck?' he asked gently

'they're killing him Teaspoon' Cody's eyes were liquid, he and Buck had had many disagreements since they had first met, but that didn't mean he didn't love him like a brother "I'm not leaving him here to die alone' he straightened and faced them as if he expected an argument.

'Neither am I' Kid spoke from behind them, leaning heavily against Lou

'You are going straight back to the waystation son' Teaspoon spoke

'I know exactly what they are planning Teaspoon, I'm not going anywhere.' Kid spoke

The others looked at Kid expectantly

"Out with it Kid' Noah spoke eagerly waiting to hear the whole story. Knowing that none of this would make sens until they did

'The agent is Marshall Schmidt's brother, his name is Elijah, he wants to make Buck pay for his brothers death. After he's had his fun with Buck, he is going to take him to Red Bear with a story that white's did it, and talk him into seeking revenge. Kid paused obviously in pain. The others waited almost patiently for him to continue

'He's just looking for an excuse to get the Kiowa moved to a reservation, their land is worth a fortune to him.'

'How many of them are there?' Teaspoon asked

'Six braves and Schmidt' Kid answered

'What happens at night?' Jimmy asked

'I don't know for sure but I think they all stay there, they only checked on me once each night.' Kid leaned his head against the tope of Lou's exhausted but not yet willing to give up on Buck.

'What's your plan Teaspoon?' Noah asked

'We'll hit them at midnight, Kid you can stay up here on the hill, back us up if we need it I don't want to have to worry about where you are. Lou do you think that you can get Buck loose? You shouldn't have to worry about the others we will be diverting their attention' he asked

Lou didn't trust her voice not to crack so she nodded her head furiously as Teaspoon continued.

'Jimmy, Cody, Noah, Ike, that leaves the five of us to take care of the seven of them. think we can do it?' he looked hopefully into their worried faces.

'Better odds then we usually have' Cody spoke trying to lighten the moment

'Hell that's almost even' Noah joked

'Get some rest, lay low, we'll try after dark.' Teaspoon stated as he helped Lou and Kid back to the shad of the tree they had been under. They all settled down to get a little rest, hoping that Buck could hold on long enough for them to save him.

Shortly after sunset unable to rest Jimmy and Cody were sitting on a tree branch checking and loading their weapons, when they were disturbed by a noise in the shrubbery near them. Lifting their weapons they pointed them into the darkness waiting for the next move to be made.

'It is me... Curly' a voice spoke from the darkness as he emerged from the shrubbery that surrounded him.

'Kid, he is safe?' Curly asked with a frown

'Yes, he is resting back there' Cody spoke indicating the shadows in which Kid lay resting.

'There are three of them left.' Curly spoke confidently

'What do you mean?' Jimmy asked confused "There was seven of them?'

'Four of them are now in a place of honour and respect.' Curly spoke

'What the hell does that mean?' Cody frowned

'He means that they have been scalped' Kid spoke with a smile from behind them, an ironic smile on his face.

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