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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

'Ike calm down' Sam spoke in frustration as he watched his companions fingers form words quicker than he could translate them.

Ike signed his expressive hands moving more frenetically than usual

'Dammit Ike we'll get there as quick as we can' he spoke his frustration equally evident 'I'll never be able to forgive myself if anything happens to those kids' Sam muttered 'Emma will never forgive me' he concluded.


Kid paced nervously across his office, Buck equally concerned sat at the table and watched his friend slowly unravel before his eyes. '

'Kid nobody has seen either of them for at least 20 hours.' he could see the suffering his friend was enduring but he was unable to help him cope with his pain.

'We can only hope that they got away, if they didn't' implicate us and we go charging in there to save them, we will never catch Lambert out'

'Don't you think I don't know that' Kid turned his tearfilled eyes on Buck. It was well known amongst the riders that any one of them would die for Lou without a thought, but Kid would die without her. Buck more sensitive than a lot of the others felt Kids pain keenly. Both men were torn between their sworn duty and their gut instincts. Both knew that their lives would be irreconcilably changed if anything had happened to Lou and Cody, but their hands were tied.


Cody struggled to his feet and extended a hand to his companion He looked into Lou's forlorn and bruised face and decided then and there that they were not giving in without a fight.

'C'mon honey' he pulled her to her feet 'We have to get out of the sun' he took her clammy hand in his and started to walk out of the trouble they had found themselves in. they walked in silence for some time, their torturous trek getting slower and slower as time marched on,. Lou knew that Coy was also in pain but each step she took was like walking on a bed of knives. she knew for Cody she must go on but she shuffled slower and slower and paused more often.

"Billy I need to sit for a couple of minutes' she murmured sinking to the ground anxious to take her weight off her feet and feel some blessed relief.

"Lou I know you're tired but we have to keep going' he turned and what he saw caused him to fall to his knees in front of her. Lou sat on the ground tears streaming down her cheeks, damp streaks against the sunburn and dirt already there. But that wasn't the thing that had concerned him the most. The delicate tender flesh of her feet had been sliced to pieces walking on the burning sand, gravel and cactus thorns. Blood trickled from the deeper cuts as he gently almost reverently traced her foot with his fingers.

"Why didn't you say something?' Cody spoke softly

"I didn't want to slow us down.' she spoke as she watched Cody rip strips from the bottom of his shirt and begin to wrap her feet.

'I'm not stupid Billyo, I know that this is hopeless, but I have to keep trying to get back to Kid, he needs us, that meeting is a trap' she spoke her hands scrubbing at the tears on her cheeks

'Lou, I'm not going to give up and neither are you' he finished wrapping her feet and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead as he stood, once again extending a hand to her.

Lou painfully rose to her feet, but Cody turned his back on her and indicated for her to climb on.

'Cody you are not going to carry me you're hurt too' she sobbed shaking her head

'Lou now is not the time for you to be stubborn. You weight less than a feather, we have to get out of the sun, you won't last long in this heat.' he paused 'Youre smaller than I am and more delicate 'he held up a hand to soothe her protests. 'I'm not going to listen to you explaining anything, I'm bigger than you and a lot stronger, You're already sunburnt. You won't last much longer Lou. I'm not leaving you, so face it, we are not leaving here until you climb on my back' he reasoned with her.

'I don't think we need to worry about getting out of here. Riders comin Cody.' she pointed over his shoulder at the twin plumes of dust on the horizon.

"What do you think Kid?' Buck asked turning the crude note over in his hands as he spoke

'We have no choice we have to check it out' Kid stated

'Kid you have to know its a trap' he spoke

'What else can we do Buck, they have Lou and Cody. We don't have a choice'

'I wish Sam was here' Buck spoke wistfully

'You and me both, but he's not and trap or no trap we have to handle this. We are their only hope.' Kid sat at the opposite side of the table, the whole situation appearing hopeless.

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