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Which One of Them


DISCLAIMER: The characters from the television program The Magnificent Seven are the property of Trilogy and The Mirisch Co. I am making no money from their use. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

RATINGS: PG - violence, mild language

WARNING: This Story contains an alternative Universe theme, if this type of story is not to your liking or will somehow offend you please delete this mail immediately and do not read any further Furthermore this story contain semi graphic images of a terrorism nature, if you feel this may disturb you please find a different story that you will enjoy.

NOTES: Eternal thanks to Mog for letting me play in her ATF AU sandpit. Thanks heaps to Enid (known affectionately here as my font of all knowledge) for all the brainpicking I have done. Thanks to my net sisters Lyn and Dayna for all the collaboration and characterisation help, couldn’t have done it without you. Keep your tissues handy.

Part 5

Orrin Travers looked up from where he had been talking to heavily costumed friend of his currently appearing to be Winston Churchill, however, he was in reality a man who held a position high the shadowed echelons of the government. If anyone thought it was strange to see a British Prime Minister speaking with Ernst Blofeld, one of Bond’s most memorable villains, no one said a word.

He had known that the only way to obtain the presence of Team 7 together at any function of this nature was through subterfuge. The heavily commended team had always managed to evade an official ceremony to receive any commendation, well this time Orrin Travers would get the last laugh. There were almost 200 people present and Orrin knew without a doubt that every person in the room’s attention was fixed on the seven. It had been Mary’s idea to make the outing less formal and a fancy dress theme, trying in her own way to make the men more comfortable and at ease, and as he heard the gasps of shock from around the ballroom he knew that it had been the right idea.

There was not one person in the room that did not see a team when they looked at the men in the doorway. He looked at the team with a wry grin, not one of them had the slightest idea of the effect they were having on the room.

Mary stood beside her father in law and watched the men as they arrived, she had long known that the men of team 7 were good looking, but the sight that greeted her when she turned was enough to take her breath away. Individually, each man was different to his neighbour, some ruggedly attractive, some charming and debonair, some with the careless attraction of a man who didn’t realise his looks, some older some younger, some quiet and reserved, some loud and boisterous but all very handsome men in their own way and their own right.

Yet together, the group exuded raw sexuality, a passion for life rarely seen and just a hint of danger. She tore her eyes from the sight before her and looked around the room, the men were beginning to lose interest in the newcomers but the women’s eyes held the glow of appreciation and longing, that she knew was mirrored in her own eyes.

Orrin took his daughter-in-laws arm and together they made their way to the men who have rapidly found their way into the hearts of all of the Travis’.

“Good to see you men” he spoke as he shook hands with Chris, the others all inclined their heads murmuring words of greeting as they took in both Orrin and Mary’s costumes.

“Excellent choice of costume gentlemen” Mary spoke

“We can take no credit for the apparel Ms Moneypenny” Ezra spoke, acknowledging her costume, bending into a low graceful bow flourishing his hat and taking her hand, placing a soft on her knuckles “The accoutrements were all Mr Larabee’s doing” he stood and looked with a smile at the gentle blush staining her cheeks.

“What sort of award are you receiving tonight my dear?” Ezra spoke quietly

“Me receiving an award” she spoke softly “I’m not receiving the award you are” she spoke softly knowing that she was about to witness an explosion, well to be completely correct seven explosions.

Seven pairs of eyes flew to Orrin’s face looking for confirmation or denial. Hoping for the latter but finding the former.

“That was a low blow” Chris muttered through clenched teeth as he tried to remain calm

“Every time we request your presence, you point blank refuse us” he spoke softly

“the entire department wishes to honour the seven of you and I think it is well overdue, in three years you have had double the caseload of other teams and you have yet to record a loss. You are probably the most practiced and well skilled team in the entire country” he looked at the frowning, disenchanted faces that looked at him “It’s about time you were rewarded for that”

“At the risk of appearing uncharitable” Ezra spoke “We are merely performing our occupations, none of us is expecting rewards” he looked along the line of his team mates and friends, seeing them all nod in confirmation.

“We decided that since you all have trouble with a formal ceremony we would have a costume party with a small awards ceremony, nothing formal just a way for the department to say thank you for your hard work, even if they usually treat you badly”

“Treat us badly” Chris snorted “Hell we’re usually lucky they acknowledge us at all”.

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