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DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Three Weeks Later

Bernie had proved herself almost indispensable around the waystation. Once she regained her strength and was feeling more like herself, she started helping out with the chores, in fact she stated to help any of them anyway she could. It seemed that even though she was born into wealth she was no stranger to hard work.

Late one afternoon as one by one the riders all returned to the bunkhouse in anticipation of supper they realised that Berne was missing.

'Jasper' Kid asked quietly 'Have you seen Berne?"

'Not since she mended Cody's shirt this afternoon' he answered

Kid walked out of the bunkhouse indicating for the others to follow him, he didn't see the point in alarming Jasper needlessly. As Cody closed the door behind himself Kid looked into the faces of Cody Jimmy and Ike.

"Have any of you seen her?' they all shook their heads. 'We'd better find her before Buck gets back' he muttered

'I'm thinking that we're just a mite too late.'Jimmy spoke with a wry grin as they watched Buck ride in and slide lithely from his horses back. He looked from one to the other of the boys and knew before any of them spoke that something was wrong.

'Where's Berne?' he asked almost fearful of the answer

'We can't find her Buck.' Kid spoke unprepared for the anger in his friends eyes

'All she asked of us was protection' he yelled as he ran toward the barn, he quickly checked Nelly and Sally's stalls, the hayloft and having no luck he moved out to check her other favourite spot, their wagon. Not fining her on her perch on the drivers seat he stood by the wagon trying to think where else she could have gone when he heard a gentle sobbing.

Seeing Ike rounding the corner of the barn , he nodded his head to indicate that he had found her and waved him away. Ike content to let Buck deal with her, turned to tell the others of Buck's discovery. Buck was torn between going to her side or just waiting for her to emerge. In the end, he was so moved by her heartbreaking sobs that he climbed into the wagon bed and moved to her side, sinking to his knees in front of her, he was stunned when she didn't realise he was there until he touched her.

'Bernie, what's wrong?' he questioned her gently

'I'm sorry Buck' she started furiously swiping at the tears on her cheeks trying to erase the signs of her weakness. "I came out here to some more clothes for Jasper. I couldn't help but remember Mama' she sobbed

'There's nothing wrong with that Berne' he folded here into his embrace

'She used to call this our wagon of salvation. She said that this trip would be the answer to all our problems.'

She fell silent and Buck knelt there content to hold her. Several minutes later he spoke 'Berne, please tell someone where you are going when you go anywhere alone.' he paused 'We couldn't find you and I was worried about you.'

'I'm sorry Buck' she was contrite as she pulled herself from his arms and stood, then extended a hand to him. They walked back to the bunkhouse and their waiting supper. --oo0000oo--

Early the next morning, Buck, Ike, Lou and Bernie and Jasper made the trip to the bustling little town to buy supplies and give Berne and Jasper a little time away from the waystation. While Buck and Ike were loading the groceries into the wagon, Jasper a terrified look on his face ran to Ike and hied his face against Ike's legs. They all looked at each other and realised that Jasper had seen something that frightened him. Berne and Buck knelt at Ike's side to try and pry Jasper from his tight grasp.

'Jas what's wrong?' Berne asked him gently

'The man that didn't lie mama is over there' he spoke pointing toward the saloon, Buck's hand immediately rested on his gun.

Bernie looked up and almost instantly spotted a man who looked very much like their wagon train leader, but couldn't be sure that it was him. "Jas, that man only looks like him, its not Dawson' spoke

'You sure' he asked still a little sceptical.

Bernie nodded anxiously at him and he launched himself into her arms. Buck knelt and spoke to him as he burrowed against his sisters neck.

'Jas, I want you to tell us straight away if you see somone you think you know from the wagon train. Even if you only think you know them.' he stroked the young boys hair affectionately as Jasper nodded.

The five of them rode out of town wager to be going back to the relative safety of the way station. They all realised that it probably was just a case of mistaken identity, but even that was enough to take the enjoyment out of the days outing for them. Buck couldn't help lagging behind the others on the trip back, his cautious nature requiring him to ensure they weren't followed.

When he finally arrived back at the station, the others were all waiting on the bunkhouse porch. He quickly shook his head telling them that they hadn't been followed. He slid from his horse and walked straight to Teaspoon.

'Teaspoon. I checked in town, the man that frightened Jasper is supposedly an insurance salesman, he has a hired gun riding with him and they are waiting for an associated to arrive within the next few days.'

'Any idea who they are?' Teaspoon asked quietly

'Nope but he wears his gun lower than any insurance salesman I've ever seen'

'From this moment on neither of them go anywhere, I mean anywhere alone. You boys' he paused ' and girl' he smiled at Lou 'are to be armed at all times.' Teaspoon stated and looked into the eyes of all his riders

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