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The Change


DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. The characters from the television program The Magnificent Seven are the property of Trilogy and The Mirisch Co. I am making no money from their use. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

RATINGS: PG - violence, mild language

WARNING: This Story contains an alternative Universe theme, if this type of story is not to your liking or will somehow offend you please delete this mail immediately and do not read any further. In addition it is a The Young Riders/The Magnificent Seven Crossover, so if crossovers are not your cup of tea, please go no further. Furthermore this story contain semi graphic images of a terrorism nature, if you feel this may disturb you please find a different story that you will enjoy.

NOTES: The song that inspired the Title is by Garth Brooks on his fresh horses album. Eternal thanks to Mog for letting me play in her ATF AU sandpit. Thanks heaps to Enid (known affectionately here as my font of all knowledge) for all the brainpicking I have done. Thanks to my net sisters Lyn and Dayna for all the collaboration and characterisation help, couldn’t have done it without you.

Chapter 7

One hand reaches out
And pulls a lost soul from harm
While a thousand more go unspoken for
They say what good have you done
By saving just this one
Its like whispering your prayers
In the fury of a storm

It was late afternoon by the time that they were satisfied with their plans and left the conference room. Although there was a long way to go to becoming a cohesive team, both teams were working hard on putting aside any perceived differences they might have and forging alliances that would last.

Team 7 filed out of the conference room, Vin and Chris going directly to Chris’s office, Josiah and Nathan, walking straight out of the office towards the elevator, the others returning to their own cubicles and watched as their new counterparts left the main office. Suddenly remembering his quibble from this morning Ezra waited until he saw the culprit and called his name.

“Mr Cody” he called “Can I have a moment of your time?” he smiled as he flicked one hand in a gesture for the younger man to approach

“Sure Ez” Cody spoke a little more familiarly than perhaps he should have

“Mr Cody” Ezra started his tirade “I’m sure that in your former Domicile deplorable manners were acceptable, however, as I am sure you have ascertained the populace has a greater sense of refinement than you appear to have attained.” He paused to glare at Buck and JD who were chuckling madly “I trust that in future you will be more discerning in your choice of location for the abandonment of your vehicle” he finished a little perturbed by the blank expression on the blonde man’s face.

“Huh” Cody had been bamboozled by the words he had just heard

“Do any of you people speak English?” Ezra mumbled

“Cody” Buck called a wide grin on his face “I think he means you parked in his space”

“That all?” Cody scratched his head “What is it with you guys and parking spaces?” he shook his head in confusion as he walked out of the room.

“Don’t forget drinks at the saloon in an hour Cody” Buck called after him. Cody’s only acknowledgement of the last comment was a wave of his hand as he jogged towards the elevators.

Buck turned towards his team mate and smiled as he spoke.

“So Ezra” he could hardly keep the grin out of his voice “Looking forward to pimping” he chuckled at the thought of the urbane conman being reduced to playing the part of a petty criminal.

“I have no qualms about adopting the new persona Mr Wilmington” he smiled back

“Do you think you are up to the task of being my goon”

“I think I can protect your pretty face Ezra” Buck answered him

“It’s not my pretty face that’s the problem Buck” Ezra became serious “I don’t want anything happening to Louise” he finished

“You and me both pard” Buck shook his head “She shouldn’t even be out there”

“She is right Buck” Ezra replied “She could be our only chance”

“Well better make tonight a good night then” Buck spoke with a smile. Ezra and JD shook their heads and returned their attention to their desks.

For three weeks their nights were spent working at catching their quarry. The bar they frequented was nothing more than a sleazy little excuse for a prostitution ring with cheap rotgut and loud music. Instead of his usual Armani suits, Ezra was dressed in 501’s jeans and a western cut shirt, cowboy boots completing his attire, as were the rest of the team, Lou mostly wore denim mini skirts and strappy tops fire engine red cowboy boots on her tiny feet. Every one of them kept a close eye on there young undercover agent but none as close as the three men who spent their entire evening with her. Ezra, Buck Wilmington and Jimmy knew where she was every second of every night not one of them willing to sacrifice her safety, but for Lou it was hardly work at all. She got to spend the nights dancing with the handsome men who were her bodyguards and trying to attract the right quarry. Nathan and Josiah obtained jobs in the saloon bar they were haunting which would give them an edge with manpower if needed. The rest of both teams taking it in turns to visit the club on a nightly basis and occasionally pose as customers of Lou’s.

As a result Lou became close to the Team 7 members, gaining quite an insight into the way the dynamics of the team worked and could not help but compare them to her own team. Both teams families were families in their own rights, because just as blood ties didn’t matter to Lou’s team it appeared that they didn’t matter to Team 7 either. As over the last three weeks had become customary Ezra sought out the female agent for the last dance of the evening. They spent this time together as a means to discuss the evenings events, and possible suspects, without arousing suspicion.

“I trust you have had an enjoyable evening my dear” he spoke against her ear as they swayed together to I Cross My Heart, George Strait’s rich voice washing over them easing a little of her tension as she sank into his arms, cradled against his chest protectively as they swayed in time to the music.

“I’m sick of being paywed by nasty little men” she sighed against his chest Unwilling to deepen her anguish Ezra remained silent, content to hold her until she spoke again.

“Maybe we are wasting our time Ez?” she questioned unsure of the worth of their time spent here

“I don’t think so Louise” Ezra answered her slowly “We just have to perservere”

“I know that” she murmured into his chest “It’s just discouraging”

He couldn’t argue with her there, all any of them could do was wait and see what happened, this was the worst part of undercover work. The Waiting.

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