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Victim of the Game


DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. The characters from the television program The Magnificent Seven are the property of Trilogy and The Mirisch Co. I am making no money from their use. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

RATINGS: PG - violence, mild language

WARNING: This Story contains an alternative Universe theme, if this type of story is not to your liking or will somehow offend you please delete this mail immediately and do not read any further. In addition it is a The Young Riders/The Magnificent Seven Crossover, so if crossovers are not your cup of tea, please go no further. Furthermore this story contain semi graphic images of a terrorism nature, if you feel this may disturb you please find a different story that you will enjoy.

NOTES: : This is the sequel to the recently completed The Change. The song that inspired the Title is by Garth Brooks on his NO fences album. Eternal thanks to Mog for letting me play in her ATF AU sandpit. Thanks heaps to Enid (known affectionately here as my font of all knowledge) for all the brainpicking I have done. Thanks to my net sisters Lyn and Dayna for all the collaboration and characterisation help, couldn’t have done it without you.

You know its really getting to you
When you take to tellin’ lies
And you can try to fool your friends
But you can’t look ‘em in the eye
There ain’t no standin tall
In the shadow of the shame
When everybody knows
That you’re a victim of the game

Kid watched the faces of every person in unknown cars that left their basement carefully, one face kept returning to his mind. He grabbed the remote control from Ezra’s hand and rewound the tape pausing it at the face that kept bothering him. He watched the face for several seconds before it dawned on him where he knew him from. He tapped the screen with his finger

“I trust this means you have found something?” Ezra spoke as he watched

“I think” Kid replied never taking his eyes from the screen “That this is Lou’s brother” he turned to look at Ezra “I haven’t seen him for a few years but I’m sure it is him” Ezra rewound the tape a few frames and took down the license plate of the car. Standing he moved to the outer office.

“We’ve got a problem” Jimmy spoke from the doorway as he and Kid left the conference room

“Lou and Buck are gone” he spoke as Ezra moved to his computer to run the plates of Jeremiah’s car.

Kid hook his head knowing exactly where his two missing colleagues had gone “Jeremiah was in the basement that night Jimmy”

“Those damn fools have gone off after him I’ll bet” Cody spoke from his perch one the corner of Ezra’s desk

“Where the hell is JD?” Buck called as he listened to his cell phone ringing, he glanced at it surprised as he read his partner’s number on the screen of the phone “What the hell is he doing calling me on his cellphone?” he murmured as he answered, a bad feeling running down his spine.

“Where are you kid?” he spoke into the phone not even bothering with the niceties of civilised conversation, receiving no reply he was about to press the disconnect button when he heard the unmistakable sounds of a gunshot. His tanned, handsome face paled as he looked up into the waiting faces of the rest of the teams.

“I think JD may be with them” he spoke quietly “And they’re in trouble

“Ike” Teaspoon spoke quickly “trace that call”

“No need” Ezra spoke softly “Jeremiah McCloud has a residence nearby, I’m willing to bet that’s where they are”


Lou knelt on the floor in front of her brother wondering just how she was going to get them out of this one. She glanced to her side and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Buck move, she would never be able to forgive herself if he died. It was all her fault they were here, she should have waited and told the others, but she really thought that she could talk her brother around.

“Why Jeremiah?” she murmured wincing as he pulled JD higher against his body

“Actually it wasn’t my idea” he spoke

“Whose was it then?” Lou asked

“Mine” a soft feminine voice spoke from behind her. Lou turned her head to see her tiny but beautiful sister pointing a gun at her.

Louise couldn’t help the look of terror that flitted through her eyes as she saw the man that lounged insolently against the wall behind Theresa. Her hand going down to involuntarily clench at her thigh in remembered pain. The man who had beaten her so badly all those months ago.

“Why?” Lou questioned her frowning deeply “I don’t understand”

“It shouldn’t be hard Sister” Jeremiah spat “You forgot us, you found yourself another family and forgot us”

“I’ve never forgotten either of you” tears welled in Lou’s eyes “You are my family”

Theresa fired the gun she held, splinters from the floorboards beside Lou’s knee flying in all directions at the bullet dug into the floor beside her

“Don’t lie to me” Theresa’s voice changed “You found these men and replaced us.”

“They are my workmates Theresa” she lied trying to save the lives of her friends “They mean nothing to me”

Lou watched in horror as an evil smile twisted Theresa’s beautiful face, she took aim and fired the gun again, shooting JD. Theresa nodded her head and Jeremiah dropped the young man on the ground in front of his sister, then moved to stand with her.

“that won’t worry you at all then will it?” Theresa sneered as she saw the tears in Lou’s eyes

“Don’t lie to us Louise” Jeremiah spoke “You’re living with the bastard that killed our father.” He paused the hatred in his voice thickening it “You’re not one of us anymore. Papa was right you’re one of them now”

“Just like the rest of them you have to pay” he laughed at the stricken expression on her face as Theresa’s boyfriend moved towards his older sister.

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