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Victim of the Game


DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. The characters from the television program The Magnificent Seven are the property of Trilogy and The Mirisch Co. I am making no money from their use. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

RATINGS: PG - violence, mild language

WARNING: This Story contains an alternative Universe theme, if this type of story is not to your liking or will somehow offend you please delete this mail immediately and do not read any further. In addition it is a The Young Riders/The Magnificent Seven Crossover, so if crossovers are not your cup of tea, please go no further. Furthermore this story contain semi graphic images of a terrorism nature, if you feel this may disturb you please find a different story that you will enjoy.

NOTES: : This is the sequel to the recently completed The Change. The song that inspired the Title is by Garth Brooks on his NO fences album. Eternal thanks to Mog for letting me play in her ATF AU sandpit. Thanks heaps to Enid (known affectionately here as my font of all knowledge) for all the brainpicking I have done. Thanks to my net sisters Lyn and Dayna for all the collaboration and characterisation help, couldn’t have done it without you.

Well, it took a little time
But I guess you finally learned
That promises get broken
And Bridges do get burned
You’ve been siftin’ through the ashes
Just tryin’ to find a flame
Holdin’ on to nothin’
You’re a victim of the game.

Both teams sat transfixed to the screen, caught completely unaware by the video tape they had just witnessed. As the black screen erupted into annoying static Chris leaned forward and flicked the stop button on the remote control. Looking around the table he took in the pained faces. Each of the combined teams members were frightened for Theresa but they were terrified for Casey. Chris allowed his searching gaze to settle on JD. It was almost as if he could see the young man unravelling.

JD’s skin was so pale it was almost ghostly, his huge hazel eyes glazed with tears that he would not release and fear for the girl he loved. His too long bangs hanging over his eyes, hiding the pain that flashed through them as he remembered the footage he had just watched. Chris watched as JD took a deep breath, pride for the young man swelling the team leaders heart. He could see the young agent compose his thoughts and his emotions and prepare to fight for the life of his loved one.

He looked up straight into the eyes of his boss. The words he spoke sounded strained even to his own ears, but there was nothing he could do to ease the tightening in his throat or the terror that gripped his heart.

“How are we going to get her back?” he spoke. “It’s my fault he has her I should have known he was following us”

Buck heard the raw pain in his young partners voice and reached across to grasp the fisted hand that gripped the arm of the chair he sat in. His hands wrapped so tightly around the metal that his knuckles were white. JD barely even felt his partners hand on his, the only thought in his own mind that he didn’t deserve to be comforted. He pulled his hand away and stood. He looked at the sympathy in the faces of the men and woman at the table and shook his head, he didn’t deserve this. It was his fault that a beautiful young woman was missing. Certainly drugged, probably beaten and almost certainly next on the madman’s murderous list. Why couldn’t the others see that this was all his fault, he thought as he moved quickly out of the room, away from the all pervading sympathy he could feel in the conference room.

Buck moved to stand and follow his young partner from the room, but Lou pushed him back into his seat.

“I’ll go” she murmured “I understand what he is going through better than any of you” she spoke looking around the table daring any of them to contradict her, before she walked out in search of the young man.

Ezra leaned forward burying his head in his hands. If he hadn’t been so inflamed by Lou’s unexpected kiss and so intent on teaching Kid the correct way to treat her, he could have noticed the man who had filmed their brief fight. No, not could have, should have and more than likely would have, then this whole nightmare would be over. He could have saved so much torment, but no he had let his emotions get the better of him and had missed the opportunity that they had been so desperately seeking.

Kid saw the anguish in the southerner’s eyes when he lifted his face from his hands, it was an anguish he shared. He had sat in that car park alone for sometime before and after their brief argument. If he hadn’t been so filled with his heartache for his troubled young lover, he may have seen the maniac that had taken two young women that were close to their hearts. If it was the last thing he did he would rectify his mistakes. He would find the man responsible for the pain that filled his friends.

Lou walked out of the room, looking for the young man that had exited the room before her. She didn’t have to go far. She found him in the corridor his eyes unfocussed sitting against one wall, bouncing a baseball against the opposite wall. She stood and watched for a few minutes, the rhythmic thud of the ball irritating the hell out of her. She watched him sink into the mire of his own pity and suffering fro a short time before her anger got the better of her. She stalked to his side and caught the ball as it ricocheted from the wall.

She waited for him to look up at her and then extended a hand toward him.

“Are you gonna sit here feeling sorry for yourself?” she spoke watching the anger fire in his eyes at her words “Or are you gonna help us find your girl and my sister.”

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