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Victim of the Game


DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. The characters from the television program The Magnificent Seven are the property of Trilogy and The Mirisch Co. I am making no money from their use. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

RATINGS: PG - violence, mild language

WARNING: This Story contains an alternative Universe theme, if this type of story is not to your liking or will somehow offend you please delete this mail immediately and do not read any further. In addition it is a The Young Riders/The Magnificent Seven Crossover, so if crossovers are not your cup of tea, please go no further. Furthermore this story contain semi graphic images of a terrorism nature, if you feel this may disturb you please find a different story that you will enjoy.

NOTES: : This is the sequel to the recently completed The Change. The song that inspired the Title is by Garth Brooks on his NO fences album. Eternal thanks to Mog for letting me play in her ATF AU sandpit. Thanks heaps to Enid (known affectionately here as my font of all knowledge) for all the brainpicking I have done. Thanks to my net sisters Lyn and Dayna for all the collaboration and characterisation help, couldn’t have done it without you.

Chapter 9
And it don’t matter who you are
It treats everyone the same
All you need’s a heart
To be a victim of the game

Buck Cross sat for all outward appearances watching and listening intently to the briefing they were all partaking in. His mind, however, was awhirl with the knowledge the security video had given him. Castigating himself for not seeing it earlier, dammit he was supposed to be the best criminal profiler in the country and he had not seen a sadistic killer right under his nose. He never heard a word of what was said to them during the rest of the meeting, his mind was already set on a plan to catch the man without allowing the others to kill him.

Lou’s mind was reeling, she couldn’t believe what she had seen on the video. How could she have been so stupid, why did she not pick up on the hints that he had been leaving for her. Hell she should have known that there was probably only one man that Theresa would trust enough to turn to. Somewhere deep inside her mind she realised that there was no way that Theresa, her wild child, but somehow completely innocent sister could be involved in the evil plot that been hatched inside a sick twisted mind that needed to find the help that it was so desperately screaming for.

As the meeting finished and the agents went about the duties they had gathered to themselves, Ezra motioned for Kid to stay in the room.

“What is it?” Kid frowned, Ezra’s reputation for being able to see inside a person and a case was legendary within this building.

“Lou knew somebody on that video” Ezra spoke “We’re going to go through it until we find out who”

Kid resigned himself to the task the southerner had chosen for them and sank into one of the chairs in front of the TV and VCR. Ezra rewound the tape and settled into a chair watching the footage intently.

Buck Cross followed the angry young woman quickly knowing that if he lost her now he would have god’s own job of finidng her later. As they reached the elevators he, placed a firm hand on her shoulder and spun her around to face him.

“You are not going alone Lou” he stated calmly

“Going where Chief” she spoke innocently as she fought to control the anger in her soul

“Don’t pull that innocent crap with me Lou” he spoke his chocolate eyes full of his support and sympathy “I know you know who it is”

“I have no idea what you are talking about Chief” she widened her eyes in her best innocent look and was forced to look away as she saw the understanding and knowledge in the eyes of one of the few men she had never been able to fool.

“I’m not gonna stop you Lou” he watched her as she absorbed this news

“I want to help you” he continued truthfully, “and him if we can” he finished

“I think I know where he is” she murmured her teary eyes close to overflowing. Buck pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight “If we can help him Lou we will”

“The sad thing is I must have lured him to Denver” she pulled back out of his arms “I told him where I was going” she shook her head

“Hell I even told him my address” she couldn’t believe she had been so stupid.

“Lou you had no reason not to trust him.” Buck spoke “No reason at all”

“Hasn’t he proven to me time and again that he hates me” she frowned “Hates all of us” she angrily wiped the tears from her eyes “He loathes the profession I have chosen and even the man that I love he despises” she couldn’t understand why she hadn’t seen it sooner. She would never be able to forgive herself if Casey was injured or worse because of her negligence

“So you haven’t told me yet” Buck smiled gently trying to bring her back to him and out of the mire of self doubt she was sinking into “Where are we going?”

“Well I think it would be better if I go alone” she started wanting to go on her own and try not to annoy him any more then she needed to

“Nope” he spoke clearly and quickly “We are doing this one of two ways” he paused “Either I go with you now and we go alone, or I call Ike right now and he tells the others” he saw the contempt in her eyes for his plan and continued “Hell if need be Louise I’m going to pick you up and throw you over my shoulder and take you back in to Ezra and Stud” he smiled at her anger “And you know they won’t let you out of their sight.”

“Damn it I should shoot you now and put me out of my misery” she grumbled knowing that he was telling the truth

“Nope” he grinned as he stabbed the down button for the elevator “You love me too much to kill me” he laughed at her temper tantrum as they stepped into the lift and moved towards finding their quarry.

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