- Name: Sean
- Parts Played: Riff - Raff
- Nicknames: I like it when people call me Josh its such a compliment
- Birthday: Sometime between January and December
- Sign: I want Josh!
- Hometown: Portland
- Favorite Color: Black
- Dream Car: Whatever one Josh is in the front seat of
- Favorite A-Team Character: Is Josh on the A-Team?
- (Belly button) Innie / Outie / Other: Innie
- Favorite Deodorant: Whatever Josh uses
- Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: Anywhere Josh is eating
- Theme Song: I wanna be like Josh (I made that up ya know)
- Quote to Live By: Out- Fucking -Standing
- Goals and Aspirations: First to be Joshs friend and then I would like to somehow become Josh
- How You Got Into the Cabaret: I had followed Josh there one night
- Mentor: Josh
- Favorite Hair-do: Whatever Style the Josh man is going for these days
- Fondest Cabaret Moment: When Josh spoke to me
- What do you do Outside of Rocky: Stalk Josh
- Sanity Rating: Insane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Completely sane: 10
- Names of Voices in your head: Josh