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College Information

Peterson's College Guide - Brief overviews and application informaton for two and four year colleges, and a lot more.

College Board Online - Home of the SAT and other tests, college and financial aid information, the test question of the day and more.

Fish Net - Cool site for college information, where you can order directly from colleges, visit colleges online and enter a discussion/chat area about colleges.

University Links - Information about applying to colleges, and has links to most colleges and unversities in the nation.

US Department of Education - Student guides to federal aid programs, information on scholarships, loans, grants, and other ways to finance college. Downloadable software that can enable you to file your application electronically.

Financial Aid Calculators -This site has over a dozen forms-based calculators that can provide an estimate of how much financial aid a student may expect to receive. Useful to determine what part of the college bill a student will have to come up with.

Fast Web - Free scholarship search site - the largest on the web.
