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Fergus' Page

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Sam's Pet World
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Sam's Pet Worl®
Last update on April, 1999

I too belong to the Good famliy, just like Dragon, Danny and Spice. These people practically saved my life.

Read below pictures if you want to find out more

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Now ain't I the cuttest little puppy you have ever seen??
Awww come on don't lie.. you know I am.. hehe

Thats me there in the little basket which was my bed (hmmm cozy and warm with hot water bottles under blankets), it was also my transport carry bag.. so I was taken in the same basket to the hospital too.

fergusdanny.JPG (12381 bytes) Now this here is Danny... boy do I have fun playing with this mutt hahahah. But he is cool he lets me do what ever I want. I hang to his tail by my teeth as he runs around the garden wowow.. its like roller coaster and its fun

The story goes... I was to be sold at a pet shop as "Yorkshire Terrier" at the age of 5 weeks. But The shop and their supplier did not give me proper care so I was about to be blind because of eye infection that could have been prevented by cleaning (usually done by mother dog). To add to all that I also survived 'Parvo Virus' attack and at a point the vets almost gave up saying I was not gonna make it and they wanted to switch me off :-((. Sam insisted on SECOND chance since it was second time I almost died in just 3 days. He stayed with me for an hour keeping me warm as saline solution was being put drip by drip into my bone marrow (since there was no vain visible). Thanks to that.. but thats nothing.. the care after that is what made the change. Been waking the Goods every night to keep me warm change my dipers and hot water bottle and and and .. oops did I say dipers?? well hell.. wet blanket is diper too heheh. Now I am a happy and healthy little pup.. I am alittle more than 4 months.. but still cute and boy do I have energy. Come back soon to see my latest pictures.