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Buffy, the Vampire Slayer


Yet another fandom. And this time I didn't get sucked in because someone told me to, no I did it all by myself. :-)


This is the first time I write two pairings in a show. I started out with Giles/Xander, but a certain blonde kept yelling at me that he wanted to have some stories with his latest pet. I resisted as long as I could, but finally caved.




The Discoveries Series (Giles/Xander)


This is a series in progress.



Willow sees something she's not supposed to see...


Brave and Crazy

Giles is confronted with a problem, Xander.


Picking up the Pieces

Xander makes a decision.


Heaven's No Mystery

Will Giles and Xander tell each other how they feel?

(Coming soon)




Connections (Giles/Xander)


I was stuck one night with another story, so I decided to write some small pieces. I have wondered several times about the almost telepathic connection Xander and Willow seem to have, so I took it from there.


Connections (Giles)

Connections (Willow)

Connections (Xander)


Questions Answered

I wasn't planning on writing a sequel, but when the first thing someone asks you is 'when's the sequel due?', you write it. :-) (So JR, this is your doing!)





Dark Alley  Xander decides to investigate on his own, but he is the one that gets investigated.





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