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The Eye Of The Tigress

Blessed be!

My site is graphic intense.. please be patient as the pages load.. Thanks for taking the time to browse my pages! Should you have any questions or concerns..

Please feel free to email me and let me know...

This page best viewed with an open mind..

Merry we meet. Merry we Part.. May the god and goddess remain forever in your heart... ~Tigress~

The Eye Of The Tigress features Custom Cursors.. Wanna see? Click on the box..


Click on Eolande the guardian of Mystic Realms to ENTER...

Click on Eolande the Guardian of Mystic Realms to Enter...


Click here to see Amanda's Guardians! Adopt one of your own! Amanda's site is beautiful and goes beyond Guardians..
. Click on Amanda's Guardians if you would like to adopt a Guardian of your own..


Please note..
There are very strong beliefs and opinions within my pages..
My opinions and beliefs in fact.. If you don't have an open mind? I suggest you venture elsewhere..

This Member Site Belongs: Tigress


Please stay tuned..

WIN $5,000. Enter your e-mail to WIN:

Ya listen to music while you play/surf/work online? So do I... with RFC? I get paid for it! click here.. wooo hoo.. you'll thank me for it later.. ~Grin~ Silky...