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Some adult content, viewer discretion is advised.

This page best viewed with an open mind..

Poetry of The Tigress

Ebony Guardian of Freedom and Expression..

Adopt a Guardian with Amanda's Guardians (fantastic Site!)

Ebony ¤ Guardian Of Freedom and Expression


~Please Note~

Please do not remove or misuse my poetry.. You are more than welcome to link to my poetry page.. just let me know by clicking here.

I am the sole creator, and the views expressed in my poetry are that of my own..I hope you enjoy them..If you should decide there is a poem or story you wish to see here let me know..

Also if you have a poetry page of your own, I would be happy to link your page to this one as per your request... click here to do just that...

Brightest Blessings!


aka ~Silky~


~My Poetry~

Mother Nature

Just Being Me

A Letter to my Lord

I have much of my writings to add.. stay tuned!


my pally feathers..

~Links to Poetry~

My poetry Featured in Passions in Poetry

The Quill & Unicorn poetry found in the "Issues"

Ron Carnell's Passions in Poetry! Fantastic site! A must see!


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happy pencil

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