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Rogue's Gallery

  * Characters with stats, hit points, and class levels that far exceed normal Ad&d maximums require special endowments from DM's. We do not censor or invalidate the characters which appear in our gallery, we simply show them to you as their players give them to us.

Player: Les Child
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Sir Beef
Titles: Knight of Pendragon
Race: Human (now somewhat debatable...)
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 9 (former)
Class 2, Level: Cleric, 14 (current)
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 83
Description: Robust human male, 6' and well muscled. Has long black hair and beard, and tends to wear chain mail and carry a 2-handed sword. His cape is purple, with a gold-embroidered Thyrsus, honoring his deity, Dionysus.

History: Too long to go into here. See "Sir Beef's Bio" from main page.

Favorite Weapons: 2-handed Defender +6, Hammer of Thunderbolts

Favorite Magic Items: Ring of Xray vision (ring of voyeurism), and himself *.

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Player: Carol Wells
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Abernathy
Titles: Solonar's Avatar
Race: Half Wood Elf
Class 1, Level: Ranger, 7
Class 2, Level: Magic User, 7
Class 3, Level: Psionicist, 4
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 37

Description: 5' tall and 97 lbs. She is 43. She has red hair, green eyes, and cream colored skin.
History: I am from the city of Dantredun in the home plane of Greyhawk. I do not seem to have the greatest luck when it comes to surviving--I'm on my 4th life. I'm just lucky enough to adventure with a wonderful group of people that care enough to spend the bucks to bring me back. In addition to a wonderful party, I also travel with a cooshee named Marillion. She and I are able to mind speak. I have recently been selected as a companion to Kasa, who is a marvelous pale green Jhereg. I and all of my companions are blessed with destrier's that are quite intelligent, not to mention very fast.

Favorite Weapons: I'll just say that a longsword is my weapon of choice, although I use a comp long bow and have several daggers, one from my deity and a silver one from Avalon.

Favorite Magic Items:I think one of my most favorite magic items was a Ring of Healing--I also had a Ring of Wizardry that I really liked--unfortunately, both rings got fried by fireballs. Not just once, but twice. I also had an amulet called a Zoran that boosted my psionic points, but it was taken by some nasty creature.

Character Notes: What else can I say except that I have a wonderful GM who has tried to teach me the true way to game--even though I tend to be a little slow sometimes.

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Player: Ben Dictus
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Bilbo Marinata
Titles: Kingdom Protector
Class 1, Level: Magician, 15
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 69
Description: Old fellow, quick and hardy
History: Born in the castle, going to die in the castle.

Favorite Weapons:

Favorite Magic Items: Loves rings, lightning bolts and fireballs, and also his very own acidic ball

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Player: El Nino
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Dakkon
Titles: Best Swordsman
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 6
Class 2, Level: Ninja, 18
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 45
Description: Is a 27 year old ninja wearing hide armor and a large cloak and a mask. Has a tattoo of a red dragon on his chest.

History: He was born in Anslem, a cave city on the borders of Krynn. He began training at 10 and began adventuring at 15, and was given the title of Best Swordsman in Anslem. Upon attaining 16th level as a ninja, the mage Malaki gave him the power to become a red dragon at his will. He has an army of fifteen, and his favorite pet is his jaguar Gemini. He is somewhat retired, but takes a job if the price is right.

Favorite Weapons: His favorite weapon is a katana that is enchanted with lightning bolt.

Favorite Magic Items: His favorite magic item is a amulet which shoots out a beam of light that does 2d8 damage to anything in front of it.

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Player: Cady
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Sheila
Titles: Pathfinder
Race: Human
Class 1, Level: Ranger, 7
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 65
Description: Human with long Black Hair and green eyes, slender, tan skin Anywhere from 24-

History: Started adventuring at age 19 as a ranger. From Dantredun. Left home with Lark, Boz and Abernathy. Later on we picked up Marillion, a cooshee, Elan and Tasil and Kasa, jheregs.

Favorite Weapons: My favorite weapon is my Frost Brand sword, +2, +6 vs Fire Dwellers.

Favorite Magic Items: Amulet of ESP and Amulet of Communication.

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Player: Barbara Child
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Mitsu
Race: Hengyokai
Class 1, Level: Bushi, 18
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 130
Description: 6' tall, 195 lbs. Long black hair. Very beautiful and charismatic Age 28.

History: I began life as a male cat Hengyokai. I decided as I grew that I would like to see more than my home village and do more than serve the local Daimyo as my parents did. I trained as a human Bushi, always being careful to keep my true race secret. I left home with my friend Kagemusha and we adventured across Kara-Tur to later board a ship to the west. Once arriving in Brython and being welcomed by the queen, my friend stayed at the palace. He was a noble. I took a commission with a number of other young adventurers to check out a county that was being invaded by many types of creatures. To make things shorter, I and my party have helped some Deities and made others mad. Rescued people and turned others over to certain death. My party and I were almost sacrificed only to foil things and escape, only to hunt down those who tried to do this to us. Now, years later, by way of a cursed item I have become female, have my own home, a special male friend and a child. I still adventure from time to time.

Favorite Weapons: Katana of Quickness

Favorite Magic Items: Boots of speed, belt of +15 hit points, armor that shape changes with me.

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Player: Adem Swanson
System: Unknown
Character Name: Yosagi
Race: Rabbit Humanoid
Class 1, Level: Assassin
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 6
Description: Yosagi looks like a humanoid rabbit. The ears and tail are all there. He has a blue arm and leg and leather armor. He has a blue band around his ears.

History: Yosagi was found by the other adventurers in a time bauble inside a really small cave in a really big mountain range. He is running from the tyrancy law in his world of humanoid pigs.

Favorite Weapons: Katana (sheathed to his left), dagger, and throwing stars.

Favorite Magic Items:

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Player: Ben Gaines
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Kalin
Titles: Sir, Lord, Kalin the Pirate
Race: Kender
Class 1, Level: Handler
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 110
Description: Kalin the pirate, know for his agility and ability to think in the heat of battle and for his quick tongue and honor to his closest friends. Fights with the purpose of defending his love and for the reward at the end. With a basket hilt claymore in one hand and a cutlass in the other, he charges off into battle. With a smooth wink at the wenches in the corner he instantly has someone to share the night with. Casually approaches any situation. And never goes back on a promise.

History: Born and raised as regular a kid as possible. Kalin was dropped aboard (stowed away) a large sailing vessel heading away from home. He quickly made a nuisance of himself and drove everyone on the ship insane. But not before learning the essentials of fighting in close quarters. One stormy evening a terrible battle broke out with another ship. Nearly everyone was massacred except the captain of the ship and young Kalin. Both had been thrown overboard and managed to stay with the ship. After recruiting a new crew, the ship set out again, except this time under a new banner. Kalin got married later on and still pirates the waters when he's not visiting with friends inland.

Favorite Weapons: Hoopak, claymore, cutlass, dagger, rapier, short sword, hand crossbow.

Favorite Magic Items: Hand crossbows of speed, bolts of reloading, Slippers of spider climb, Ring of Teleportation, Ring of Griffonform,

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Player: Jeremy
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Aor
Race: Elf
Class 1, Level: Magic User
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 21
Description: Tall, with black hair and silver eyes. Kind and forgiving.

History: Abandoned at a school in the middle of a huge desert when he was a baby. The school leader taught him magic.

Favorite Weapons: Silver Dagger.

Favorite Magic Items: Crystal Ball, Wand of Fireballs.

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Player: Martin
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Dave
Titles: Sir
Race: Human
Class 1, Level: Fighter
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 84
Description: Tall, ornate looking, strong, got a bum chin.

History: Lives in a small forest, parents were tanners.

Favorite Weapons: Long Sword

Favorite Magic Items:

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Player: Kristian Kramer
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Unwit
Titles: Avenger
Race: Dwarf
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 4
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 50
Description: Unwit is a dumb but tough fighter. He's got a major goal in life, eliminating Orcs and other vermin that opposes his church and beliefs. Being a battlerager gives him a bit of an advantage, but gives him a huge disadvantage when traveling with other dwarves or characters.

History: Born in the largest dwarven city in the world, he was, at a young age, chosen by the local priests to fight for the church. When he swas sixteen, he killed a dwarf in a pub brawl and was sent away. He still thinks he needs to support his church and says he's on a mission from his god. He likes to kill orcs and trolls.

Favorite Weapons: Double-bladed battle axe

Favorite Magic Items: Bracers of Defense

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Player: Wolf
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Rising Moon
Titles: Paladin of Artemis
Race: Elf
Class 1, Level: Paladin, 10
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 90
Description: 6'2", 130 pounds. He's the leader and main fighter of the group. He's the least intelligent member in the party, but he makes up for it with his swordsmanship and archery skills. He has a level 4 cooshee named Blitz who helps out occasionally in battle, but is more or less his sidekick.


Favorite Weapons: Sword of Sharpness and Marksmanship Bow

Favorite Magic Items:

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Player: Kris Taylor
System: Ad&d *
Character Name: Bodi
Titles: Lord
Race: Human
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 19
Class 2, Level: War Priest, 19
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 179
Description: A cheerful and well-liked fellow. Bodi is an imposing figure to confront.

History: Born an orphan, Bodi used adventuring as a means to gain fame and respect.

Favorite Weapons: Shortsword of Quickness, Shortsword Defender

Favorite Magic Items: Full Plate

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Player: Joshua Davies
System: Ad&d *
Character Name: Krell
Titles: Knighted, King
Race: Tigerman
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 15
Class 2, Level: Mage, 15
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 250
Description: Krell is an orange and white striped tigerman whom can speak, walk on hind legs and use magic.

History: Krell is king of a large kingdom in the 9th dimension that is under threat by giants and fire dragons.

Favorite Weapons: Stardust sword; broadsword with the powers to do the following magic and attacks: Alevitation, speech, teleportation, read magic and languages. Extra damage times 3 and heal.

Favorite Magic Items:

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Player: Topher
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Grond
Race: Half Ogre
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 5
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points:
Description: Big (425#), strong and stupid.

History: Me Grond. Have funny friends one time. Little people. Some smart. All gone. Go out mountains one day. Have big poker and me sword. I meet funny fox girl. She nice. We go on quest. Go strange place. Have silly lizard boy. He point sword at me. I leave with stick anyway. I fall long time. Get hurt. Small people try to take stick. I growl at them. They shoot me with little lights. I hurt bad. I leave. I go home. No go places anymore. Safe in mountains.

Favorite Weapons: Pretty sword swings fast.

Favorite Magic Items:

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Character Name:
Titles: Baron
Race: Halfling
Class 1, Level: Thief, 4
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 11
Description: Bad. He is short.


Favorite Weapons: Short Sword

Favorite Magic Items:

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Player: Ross
System: Ad&d
Character Name:
Race: Human
Class 1, Level: Holy Knight, 1
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 12
Description: Forest green hair, Green eyes, 160 pounds. A cocky guy who means what he says.

History: Parents died in the rage wars, no siblings known of.

Favorite Weapons: He uses a unique sword that does 1d6. To hit goes up 1 every 5 levels to level 15. Goes up 1d4 damage every 3 levels up to level 12.

Favorite Magic Items:

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Player: John Williford
System: Ad&d *
Character Name: Elrond
Titles: Killer of Tarrasque
Race: Elf
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 19
Class 2, Level: Mage, 19
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 297
Description: Tall male elf, young. About 15 in human years. Very buff stats; Str 25, Dex 25, Con 20, Int 25, Wis 20, Cha 12.

History: Not much. Was brought up as an orphan.

Favorite Weapons: Vorpal axe named Headsmans bounty.

Favorite Magic Items:

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Player: Neal
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Gashgar
Titles: Avatar
Race: Half Elf
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 10
Class 2, Level: Magic User, 9
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 90
Description: Fit and strong. Gashgar is a hero among heroes. Good looking and galant. Though fit, he is wise and intelligent, yet he hasn't had the pleasure of women. Not because of his looks, but because he is too busy traveling.

History: He civilized the world by discovering the codex of ultimate wisdom and finding the 8 virtues. He has completed many quests. He has many friends and has traveled into the eight dungeons of evil. He has defeated Scorpius, a super powerful mage, Hera, Scorpius' wife and Xodus, their son. He has defeated the lords of shadows and defeated the gargoyles who had lost their land.

Favorite Weapons:

Favorite Magic Items: He owns an orb of the gates which teleports. He has a death scythe. Once hit, the victim is paralyzed, if successful save vs. death is made, or victim dies. He also has a scimitar named Mageban. It has a bright illumination emerging from it. He has an ankh to focus on the virtues; honor, justice, compassion, sacrifice, humility, valor, spirituality and honesty.

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Player: Steve Walker
System: Forgotten Realms
Character Name: Aor
Titles: Silent Beauty
Race: Half Elf
Class 1, Level: Ranger, 7
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 71
Description: Height, 5'7", Weight 135. Brown hair and eyes. Very comely. Often attracts unwanted attention from seedier individuals, but can quite easily defend herself.

History: Was born in Tethyr and was lone survivor when her village was destroyed by orcs. Set out on the adventuring path at 17 yrs. and hasn't looked back. Will help anyone needing disposal of orcs or half-orcs.

Favorite Weapons: Longsword, Composite Longbow

Favorite Magic Items: Boots of Stealth

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Player: Logan
System: Ad&d Second Ed.
Character Name: Ertai
Titles: High Red Robe
Race: Half-Elf
Class 1, Level: Wizard, 15
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 60
Description: Ertai is a free spirited and very powerful Red Robed Mage. He enjoys walking the face of Krynn, researching spells and banging chicks.

History: Ertai was an orphaned half-elf that grew up amongst the Silvanesti elves where he became a powerful mage. He was disowned by his people after converting to the red robes.

Favorite Weapons: Staff of Protection

Favorite Magic Items:

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Player: Caleb
Character Name: Calandros
Race: Elf
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 19
Class 2, Level: Mage, 19
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points:
Description: Calandros is a slender elf with blue eyes and brown hair. He is extremely liked by all humanoids and most dragons or similar creatures.

History: Nobody knows where Calandros came from, but is it said that he is the son of a god.

Favorite Weapons: Silver Sword of Flame

Favorite Magic Items: Silver Helm of Agility, Silver Shield of Reflection, Ring of flame, Dragon Ring, Golden chain.

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Player: Greg Horst
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Trisha
Race: Wild Elf
Class 1, Level: Wild Mage, 11
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 59
Description: Female, age 126, 5'7", 98 pounds. She has red hair and green eyes, and wears tight black leather armor and a green cloak.

History: At age 15, she and her twin sister Trina were separated during the great Elven War. Trisha, another great character, was raised by her father until age 75, at which time she became apprenticed to a 20th level mage, from which she learned her arts and was re-united with her sister at age 120.

Favorite Weapons: A pair of +5 defenders

Favorite Magic Items: Ring of Wizardry and Wand of Wonder.

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Player: Destine
System: Unknown
Character Name: Unknown
Titles: God
Race: Elf
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 19
Class 2, Level: Mage, 19
Class 3, Level: Ranger, 19
Class 4, Level: Thief, 19
Hit Points: 2488 * (Oh, please!)
Description: Tall, buff godlike intelligence, godlike wisdom, fast and handsome.

History: Lost, married to queen that he saved.

Favorite Weapons: Flamberge

Favorite Magic Items: Merl Ax, Bommer Ax

** Personal note from Sir Beef; "Your DM, if you have one, should be slapped."

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System: Ad&d
Character Name: Cloud
Race: Half Elf
Class 1, Level: Ranger, ?
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: ?

History: Born in the seaside village of Kolbin, raised by Elder rangers. Little is known of his true heritage. Married to Tifa Lockhart

Favorite Weapons: Bow of Arch Angle, Heavy horse lance of Unavoidable Death.

Favorite Magic Items: Evocation of Charms, Hole of Infinity, Crystal of Spell Summoning Bow of Arch Angle.

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Player: Dee
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Flint
Titles: Duke, General
Race: Human
Class 1, Level: Paladin, 19
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points:
Description: Very strong and handsome, Very well liked by other members. Has a dragon friend.

History: Flint does not know where he's from.

Favorite Weapons: Holy Avenger

Favorite Magic Items:

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Player: Tanner Musick-Slater
System: Ad&d
Character Name: ?
Race: Dwarf
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 4
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 52
Description: Large for a dwarf, otherwise very much the average grumpy dwarf.


Favorite Weapons: Battle Axe

Favorite Magic Items: Battle Axe that rolls 2d8 damage, Girdle of Storm Giant Strength.

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Player: Mikey Moe
System: Ad&d
Character Name:
Titles: Village Warrior
Race: Qullan
Class 1, Level: Berserker, 6
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 63
Description: 8' Tall, 395 lbs. Covered with gaudy tribal body paints. Buckler, greaves made of Dragon Turtle shell, many tooth-bone necklaces made from previous conquests. Keeps teeth filed meticulously. Warrior top-knot held in place with leg bone of a halfling. As with all Qullans he keeps his sword especially honed to an edge on which a Permanency spell has been cast.

History: The most bloodthirsty warrior in his tribe, he displays an avidity for collecting bones and teeth from enemies that surpasses the malice of ogres.

Favorite Weapons: Hammer of Titans, used with natural strength in lieu of Gauntlets of Ogre Power and Girdle of Giant Strength

Favorite Magic Items: Hereditary 2-handed bone-handled blade and Hammer of Titans

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Player: Jonathan Roy
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Ransor S. Blanza
Titles: Lord, the Enforcer
Race: Human
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 19
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 144
Description: A huge, intimidating (if you stood'd be intimidating

History: He learned the ways of an assassin at a young age. As he grew older, he learned military strategy and different fighting styles. Training to be the best all-around fighters in all of Faerun, he led armies against some of the most powerful groups, and won handily each time. In time he started taking on apprentices to pass on what he had learned. With the aid of his two greatest pupils, Portheus Davenport and Darby McMason, there was nothing he couldn't accomplish.

Favorite Weapons: Vorpal Sword

Favorite Magic Items: Ring of Vampiric Regeneration

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Player: William Carr
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Zain Kantor
Titles: Barbarian
Race: Human
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 19
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 205 *
Description: Eyes are deep blue. A muscular build, cocky stride, 45 yrs old. A long black silver streak on the right front side. A long scar left eyebrow to left collarbone. Black full plate. Carries a bastard sword which he has mastered. Dire wolf with him is his only friend.

History: Born in battle, mother died when he was 10. Father left him to be a man at 14. At 20 was captured and was made a gladiator. Escaped when he was 21. Started campaigning for himself, earned the respect of anti-paladin knight. Learned not to believe in others. Dreams that where he started working for a goal. At 30 he was a king of his homeland, at 35 lost his kingdom to a more powerful army. He abandoned his kingdom for his own life. At 40 he started a tavern in a major city and retired to raise a family.

Favorite Weapons: Bastard sword, Battle Axe

Favorite Magic Items: Ring of Animal Speech.

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Player: Jake
System: PC
Character Name: Jauxer the Mighty
Titles: Hero
Race: Human
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 7
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 119 *
Description: A humongous goody two-shoes who is an incredibly strong (str 25) man, but hasn't got a lick of sense (wis 3) or intelligence (int 3).

History: Jauxer fell on his head a lot as a child.

Favorite Weapons: Longsword of Ice

Favorite Magic Items: He loves his little pet mousey. (isn't that *cute*)

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Player: Stark
System: Unknown (but definitely not ad&d)
Character Name: Stark
Titles: King god, honorable
Race: celestial
Class 1, Level: Mage, 19 *
Class 2, Level: Cleric, 19 *
Class 3, Level: Rogue, 19 *
Class 4, Level: Thief, 19 *
Hit Points: 9999 (feel free to roll your eyes heavenward....) *
Description: cool, awesome, high authority

History: god parents, king parents lived in heaven for half 20 years of his immortal life

Favorite Weapons: Everything

Favorite Magic Items:

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Player: E.A. Walker
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Heimdall Brassshield
Titles: Elf Friend
Race: Dwarf
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 11
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 86

Description: 152 lbs, Red hair and beard always braided and tucked into a thick leather belt. Heavy chainmail worn under a deep blue robe. His shield bears a large tankard of ale and war axe on it.

History: Son of a weaponsmith. Was teamed up against his will with an all elf group, and despite best intentions, they became fast friends. Even gave one away at her wedding.

Favorite Weapons: Battle Axe and chainmail

Favorite Magic Items:

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