System: Ad&d
Character Name:
Titles: Math's Woman
Race: High Elf
Class 1, Level: Cleric, 3
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 22
Description: Cleric of Sune
History: She is a cleric of Sune, god of Love.
Favorite Weapons: Mace
Favorite Magic Items: Globes of Darkness
Player: Brendan
System: Ad&d Second Ed.
Character Name: Alorra Silverbough
Titles: Princess of Catalsia
Race: Elf
Class 1, Level: Mage, 7
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 25
Description: Average build for an elf, withexceptionally beautiful hair and eyes. Her hair is a
pure gold color that falls lightly from her head, and her eyes are like soft emeralds.
History: Daughter to the richest elven king in the land. Her role in life was complex and she had to be the perfect princess. She ran away from home and has just returned after seeing the world.
Favorite Weapons:
Favorite Magic Items: She carries her Ring of Invisibility with her wherever she goes, in case of a dire
Player: Joel L.
System: Ad&d 1st Edition
Character Name: Wiegraf Bloodbane
Titles: Lord Wiegraf
Race: Human
Class 1, Level: Fighter, 8
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 124 *
Description: He stands 8'7" tall, has 24 strength, but gets no help from any other scores.Relatively low dex,
average intelligence, low wisdom, low charisma. He is, however, a master tactician, seein as how he was born
into battle.
History: Wiegraf's parents were the Lord and Lady of Altherius, Wiegrafs homeland. He was born during the ogre raids on Altherius. When he was only 3, he saw his parents cut down by ogres. He was taken by a powerful mage, and while in his care he was touched by the god Odin who gave him his phenominal strength. Ever since then he has killed every ogre he sees and is very protective of his party members.
Favorite Weapons: His favorite weapon is his Hammer of Thunderbolts. He loves his weapon more than his own life. He allows no one to touch it without his permission, and kills anything that does.
Favorite Magic Items:
Player: Frank Rowe
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Tather Brightgreen
Race: Half Elf
Class 1, Level: Mage, 5
Class 2, Level: Cleric, 5
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 22
Description: Tather Brightgreen is a 50 year old half elf who is 5', 150 lbs. A very average looking half elf, except
for the fact that he's wearing dragon armor, a great helm that's in the shape of a skeleton's head, and wearing a black
cloak with runes on it. Also, over the top of his armor on a pendant is a symbol of Haruk, god of war, strength, killing. A
chaotic evil god.
History: Tather started life as a good cleric / mage, who, with his friends had lots of adventures in the world of Toril. After going through several test chambers of a demi-god's palace, Tather & friends left the palace and found themselves in the mists of Ravenloft, where the whole party underwent a change of alignment.Currently they have made it back to Toril where they are causing havoc.
Favorite Weapons: Staff of Death
Favorite Magic Items: Ring of Spell Storing, Cloak of Arachnidia, Blue dragon armor, Skeleton helm.
Player: Todd Blair
System: Ad&d
Character Name: Vulcuran Ziolko
Titles: Duke of Camerondale
Race: Human
Class 1, Level: Ranger, 12
Class 2, Level: Thief, 13
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 80
Description: Vulcuran is a fairly well built male, standing 6'4", weighing about 240 pounds. He has long salt
and pepper hair pulled back in a ponytail. Both his ears are pierced one time, and he has small hoops in them. On
his right arm is a tattoo of a viper and a cobra to symbolize him and his brother, and the ninja clan they used to work
for. His eyes are ones you can't forget, very hypnotizing effect, they are purple in color. He is in his early 40's, being
42 is looking to settle down and maybe start a family soon.
History: His story is that of a typical war hero who has had many successful campaigns. At one time was even King of Camerondale, but relinquished that title to become Duke so he could continue his adventuring ways. Lost his brother years ago in an assassination by member of his old ninja clan. Plays like he is a normal thief, doesnt' want people to know his true abilities.
Favorite Weapons: Sword, flame tongue.
Favorite Magic Items: Ring of Dex 19, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Ring of Protection +4, Suit of elven chain which
he received for saving a group of elves years ago.
Player: Nathan Bond
System: D&D
Character Name: Cadik
Titles: Tri-blade, knight
Race: Elf
Class 1, Level: Tri-blade, 3
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 31
Description: Small elf, only weighing in at 120# makes him smaller
than most knights. 5'2".
History: No history remembered.
Favorite Weapons: Flaming Bastardsword.
Favorite Magic Items:
Player: Ryan Ross
System: Ad&d 1st Edition
Character Name: Blile the great
Titles: First rank paladin
Race: Human
Class 1, Level: Paladin, 7
Class 2, Level:
Class 3, Level:
Class 4, Level:
Hit Points: 75
Description: A large Human Paladin who is a hero to the whole continent in which he resides. Blile the Great is his name and with his extraordinary skills he pledges to become the best of the Best in the Paladin society
History: Blile started off as a basic fighter who just wanted to kill and become the best fighter he could. Then it struck him he could use his awesome fighting abilities to help out his fellow man and creatures within his world and he became the best Paladin he could and is now regarded as a hero to everone who hears his name and as a nemesis to all monsters who get in his and his parties way
Favorite Weapons: His Trusty double specialized magical long sword +8 +10 (+11 +14 to regenerating or ogre/orc Foes) Platemail +1 and Large Shield +1
Favorite Magic Items:
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Favorite Magic Items: