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SOC 205 Final

Sociology 205 Lane Community College
Winter 2005
David H. Kessel
Take-Home Final

Instructions and Suggestions are after the Exam...please read carefully

I. TERMS/CONCEPTS/IDEAS (Pick twenty-five---25)...worth 3 points each = 75 pts.

If you had to say just one (1) thing about each of these (in four or less sentences)...what would it be? (i.e. what’s the most precise/concise thing you’d want to convey about it?...what’s the most important thing to say sociologically?) (Please use the # indicated)

1. Power as relational.....................................31. Social Darwinism
2. Core/Authentic/Original Self..................... 32. Temporary Inequality
3. Social Relation.......................................... 33. Sociological (non-numerical) “minority”
4. Surplus Value............................................ 34. Social/Cultural Class Structure
5. Authority................................................... 35. White privilege
6. Looking-Glass-Self....................................36. Gender Identity
7. Dualistic Fallacy.........................................37. Beauty Hurts
8. Equality (not equal) Sameness...................38. Race as a social category
9. Gendered Division of Labor.......................39. Baby X
10.Means of Production.................................40. Master/Slave relationship
11. Institutional Racism..................................41. Significance of Role Theory
12. Social Forces............................................42. James Madison’s “first object of government”
13. Radical......................................................43. Affirmative Action (not equal) Reverse Racism
14. Definition of the Situation.........................44. Deviance as a social construction
15. Androgyny................................................45. Passive Racism
16. Gender Roles.............................................46. Pseudo/Social Self
17. Paradigm.................................................. 47. Radical/core basis of Class Structure
18. Correlation (not equal) Causality.............. 48. Formal Logic and Stratification
19. Relativity of Deviance ..............................49. Social Differentiation
20. Social Inequality.......................................50. Social Stratification
21. Absolute & Relative Poverty.....................51. Poverty as a relation between people
22. Ignor...ance...............................................52. Mala (or Bono) en se
23. Prejudice...................................................53. Discrimination
24. Biological significance of race....................54. Statistical/Numerical Deviance
25. Absolutist Deviance...................................55. Ascribed vs. Achieved Status
26. Functionalist view of Gender.....................56. Roles (in general)
27. Gender Dialectics.......................................57. Sex roles do not vary randomly
28. Cross-cultural gender allocation................58. Internalization of norms
29. World as a Village of 1000 people.............59. Medical Model of difference/deviance
30. Male Dominance on levels of reality..........60. Deviant societal norms

II. ESSAY QUESTION = 15 points

In the "Preface" to Black Like Me, Griffin refers to the "universal story." What does he mean by this and how does it (briefly) relate to classism, deviance, racism, and sexism? Why is it relevant to our sociological understanding of stratification?


This has been a paradigm-busting/critiquing/expanding course in Stratification. What are some of the "paradigms" we've busted or critiqued?

Instructions and Suggestions

1. DUE DATE: Wednesday, 3/16...between 10 AM and NOON in our CLASSROOM

You may also turn it into the SS office on or before the Due Date or E-Mail it to me on or before the Due Date (Again, no papers under my office door, please).

NO EXAMS will be accepted after 12 Noon on Wednesday the 16th, period!!
------No extensions and No excuses accepted

2. I will have graded papers in our classroom for hand back.

3. I prefer typed exams, but good handwriting is acceptable, too. Please staple your pages of the exam.

4. When doing Question # I, please indicate your selections by using the number of the item on the test itself.

5. You have a lot of choices for #I, you consider ahead of time which ones you want to do. Also, I’d discourage doing the whole exam in one a little at a time.

6. There is a great deal of material for you to use on this exam. I will be looking for both breadth and depth...quality as well as quantity.

7. This is an EXAM...not an opinion paper or analysis paper. I’ve tried to ask questions which give you leeway but which also represent what I think you should have learned along the way. Please take it serious and I’ll take your answers serious, too.


David H. Kessel