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The Cuban Revolution occurred when I was 15 years old and I've been fascinated with Cuba and Castro ever since. However, being from the good ole US of A, it took many years for me to undo the ideological cover which clouded my view and understanding of it...and of Castro in particular. The first parting of this cloud was C. Wright Mills' book, Listen Yankee. That started me on a relativization process which continues to this day for me. Then, and after years of hearing about the "cuban connection" of Lee Harvey Oswald, I personally concluded that JFK was killed for two basic reasons. One, he had plans to withdraw America's presence in Southeast Asia (the military didn't think too highly of that) and two, he wanted to reconcile with Castro, especially after the Bay of Pigs fiasco (my goodness...friends with the commies in "our" way!). Now there are documents to indicate just that...and they're linked below. In short, I've tried to include a variety of links in this room...I'll add more as I find them. For now, these are good ones...and I've even included a link to the "freepers" discussion of it all from their narrow and paradigmatic perspective "on the right." So, enjoy yourself...Castro hasn't gone away and there is growing doubt today that when he does die, that Cuba will fall apart...despite the U.S. Government's "best" efforts to destroy him and the country. Hey, even the World Bank thinks Cuba is basically okay...there's an amazing article about them linked below.

Featured Sites about Cuba

The Cuban Experience
Culture and History students...very informative (NOTE: Works better with Internet Explorer than with Netscape)

Bibliography on Cuba
Good list of sources

Cuban Sociology
From the Red Feather Institute (T.R. Young, Director)
A very interesting compilation

Castro Speech Database

Faint Voices Rise From Cuba

Kennedy and Castro: The Secret Quest for Accommodation
Short Intro. and then the documents from the National Security Archives...amazing documents

The Secret Quest for Accommodation
Great article based on the above documents

Excerpt from C. Wright Mills' book, Listen, Yankee
Mills classic which uses cuban voices to tell the story

Learn from Cuba, World Bank Says
What's this world coming to...even the World Bank can't deny all truth

Data Profiles by Country
From The World Bank Group...caution is advised...but still interesting data

Review article of new book, Cuba and the Coming American Revolution by Jack Barnes

Popular Power in Cuba
Short essay on Cuba

Another view from FreeRepublic...the freepers
These people need to quit squinting to see the world...paradigms abound here, passed off as reasoned argument...just wanted to be "balanced"...hey, hey, hey.

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