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Discretionary Assignment Instructions 50

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to have the major say (discretion) in the kind of work you would like to do. Thus, you have 50 points to fulfill through a variety of options. The options you choose must total 50 points...exactly

NOTE: In each of these assignments, you will be expected to utilize sociological ideas/concepts from the course.


I. Topical Research Paper (TRP)---50 Points (Proposal Needed)

This is to be a short formal paper to be written in a formal style (i.e. footnotes, etc.). The topic needs to be approved. If you need help selecting a topic, see me. (Length = 5-10 pages)

II. Book Report (BR)---50 Points

You can pick any book on a Course topic you want...fiction or non-fiction. The BR will consist of the following:
------Summary of the book
------Personal Reaction to the book
------5 quotes from the book...with reaction/analysis of them

III. Article Analysis (AA)---25 Points (No Proposal Needed)

You can analyze any article on a Course topic from any source...EXCEPT NEWSPAPERS.

Please Use the Following Format:

1. Cite the Source (a copy would be nice...but IS NOT necessary)

2. Summary of the Article

3. Critique of the Article

4. One (1) quote and reaction/analysis

(Length = 2-3 pages)

IV. Analysis Paper (AP)---20 Points (No Proposal Needed)

Provide an analysis...more than a mere opinion...on any topic from readings, the news, issues discussed in class, or anything on your mind relating to our Course. Examine the topic, don't merely describe (attack or defend) it. (Length = 2-3 pages)

V. Opinion Paper (OP)---(5 or 10 Points) (No Proposal Needed)

Here's your chance to give your opinion on anything, sociologically-speaking. It can come from class, readings, or just about anything. I'll evaluate it on how well you explain it, not on whether I agree with it.

(Length (5 pt) = 1 page

Length (10 pt) = 2 pages)

VI. Internet Assignment Instructions (50 Points)
NOTE: You CANNOT so this IF your course has an Internet Assignment as a requirement


To become aware (or more aware) of the vast resource for information and communication that is the Internet. For the novice, it will be an introduction to the whole thing. For the already-initiated it will be a chance to focus your "surfing" abilities in one area. For all it will be an opportunity to research for ideas/topics you may find useful in other courses.

Getting Starting

There are a couple of ways to get started. The easiest is to go to TSS and follow some of the links. A second way to get started is use an Internet Search Engine. This is especially useful if you're looking for particular kinds of sites...or even just general searching.


1. Locate four (4) websites on the Internet that have something to do with our area of interest.

>2. Compile a list of four (4)"other links" to other sites which you think would be worthy of visiting.


For each of the FOUR websites you pick:
……1. Provide the "address" (the URL) for each
……2. Describe what's there (including internal "links")
……3. Explain what's there...why you think its a good/useful site...and possibly, implications and/or purpose you see about it.

For the List of 4 Suggested Links:
……1. Provide name and address
……2. Do NOT give many details...just a descriptive statement at most
……3. Your list implies your interest in these sites...


1. Although you may have more than one selection on any given topic, I want a variety of topics and issues represented. Don't just focus on one or two issues…and don't just get numerous entries from one source.

2. "Site" can also mean relevant articles/essays…not just websites. However, don't overdo this…a couple or few articles is fine, but explore websites primarily.

3. URL's are "case (upper/lower) sensitive" and very specific...please record them carefully (i.e. Write clearly!). I will want to visit some of them and even the slightest error will prevent me from doing so.

4. Length is up to you...but remember, this assignment IS worth 50 points.

5. If you want to include "printouts" from sites...ok. this very sparingly...don't print out and turn in page after page from the selective. Do it to enhance your presentation, if you'd like. But…especially don't substitute printouts for the description or even the evaluation I've asked for above.

VII. Student Suggestions (SS)---(10-50 Points)

You may suggest anything you might like to do...a project or survey, etc., on a topic related to our course. Here are some possible STUDENT SUGGESTIONS for your consideration.

***Label your papers: DA (Discretionary Assignment) and the type of paper it is...(TRP, BR, AA, AP, OP(5 or 10), IA, or SS (amt).