*****An Invitation from TSS*****
Quotes for 2001 here
Quotes for 2000 here
1999 Quotes here
The Ten Worst Corporations of 1998
Other Meanings for NATO
A Thought Provoking Summary of
Earth's Population
* Chevron, for continuing to do business with a brutal dictatorship in Nigeria and for alleged complicity in the killing of civilian protesters.
* Coca-Cola, for hooking America's kids on sugar and soda water. Today, teenage boys and girls drink twice as much soda pop as milk, whereas 20 years ago they drank nearly twice as much milk as soda.
* General Motors, for becoming an integral part of the Nazi war machine, and then years later, when documented proof emerges, denying it.
* Loral and its chief executive Bernard Schwartz, for dumping $2.2 million into Clinton/Gore and Democratic Party coffers. The Clinton administration responded by approving a human rights waiver to clear the way for technology transfers to China.
* Mobil, for supporting the Indonesian military in crushing an indigenous uprising in Aceh province and allegedly allowing the military to use company machinery to dig mass graves.
* Monsanto, for introducing genetically engineered foods into the foodstream without adequate safety testing and without labeling, thus exposing consumers to unknown risks.
* Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, for pleading guilty to felony crimes for dumping oil in the Atlantic Ocean and then lying to the Coast Guard about it.
* Unocal, for engaging in numerous acts of pollution and law violations, to such a degree that citizens in California petitioned the state's attorney general to revoke the company's charter.
* Wal-Mart, for crushing small town America, for paying low, low wages (a huge percentage of Wal-Mart workers are eligible for food stamps), for using Asian child labor and for homogenizing the population; and last, but not least,
* Warner-Lambert, for marketing a
hazardous diabetes drug, Rezulin,
has been linked to at least 33 deaths
due to liver injuries.
As the millennium approaches, keep your
eyes open for nasty corporate
predators in your neck of the woods.
Keep a list. Check it twice. Then
send along your nominations for the Ten
Worst Corporations of 1999.
Happy New Year.
Meanings for NATO Acronym
In a recent commentary on the US/NATO war I
suggested that N A T O could stand for No
Action Too Obscene. Since then I and my wife
have thought of a few others...and with the
help of a couple other people we have come up
with a short list of alternative meanings for
this acronym. If YOU have any to contribute
please email me or post them in the BoardRoom
and I'll put them on the following list. So,
here's what we've come up with so far:
No Action Too Obscene
Nineteen-Eighty-Four After The Onslaught
Never A Target Overlooked
New Attempt to Obfuscate
Nuclear American Terrorist Organization
Never Accept The Obvious
Neurotic Attention To Oil
New Attempt To Obliterate
Thought Provoking Summary" of Earth's
The following is a
graphic illustration of what the earth's
population consists of...and maybe the shape
of things to come. Although there are other
measures one could use, these suffice to make
the point. I do not know who wrote it...I
certainly didn't...but I present it here for
your consideration. If anyone knows the
author/source, let me know...please
If we could shrink the Earth's population to
a village of precisely 100 people, with all
existing human ratios remaining the same, it
would look like this:
There would be 57 Asians, 21 European, 14
from the Western Hemisphere (North and
South), and 8 African
51 would be female; 49 would be male
70 would be nonwhite; 30 white
70 would be non-Christian; 30
50% of the entire world's wealth would be
in the hands of only 6 people, and all 6
would be citizens of the United States
80 would be living in substandardized
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer fro malnutrition
1 would be near death; 1 would be near
Only 1 would have a college education
No one would own a computer
When one considers our world from such an
incredibly compressed perspective, the need
for both tolerance and understanding become
glaringly apparent.