Introduction to
Summer 2000
1st Four-Week Term
MTWTH 12:00-1:50
Classroom: Cen 420
OFFICE: Cen 418
Office Hours: MTWTH 11-12 & 2-2:30
David H. Kessel
Grading Scale
Required Readings
Course Requirements
General Schedule of Topics/Textbook Coverage
Assignment Due Dates
Class Policies and General Comments
Course Objectives for Sociology 204
Handouts & TSS Material for Sociology 204
Analysis Paper Topics
Internet Assignment Instructions
Article Review Instructions
LCC Catalog Course Description
Lane Community College
TSS Directory
Required Readings
Sociology, Seventh Edition---Jon M. Shepard
Materials in The Sociology Shop
6/21------Analysis Paper #1 Due
6/26------Analysis Paper #2 Due
6/28------Article Review Due
6/29------Pass Out Take-Home Mid-Term Exam
7/3-------Mid-Term Exam beginning of class
7/6-------Analysis Paper #3 Due
7/10------Internet Assignment Due
7/11------Analysis Paper #4 Due
7/11------Pass Out Final Exam
7/13------Final Exam beginning of class
6/20-21-22-----------------The Sociological Perspective (Chapter 1)
6/26-27-28-----------------Sociologists Doing Research (Chapter 2)
6/29-------------------------Culture (Chapter 3)
7/3 & 5---------------------Culture cont.
7/6 & 10--------------------Social Structure/Society/Socialization (Chapters 4 & 5)
7/11-12----------------------Groups and Formal Organizations (Chapter 6)
7/13--------------------------Conclusion and Video
Read the short handout,"Why Study Sociology?"
Is this anything like you envisioned sociology? Just how DID you envision it, if at all?
What about this description stands out...what do you think of it? In other words, react to this material as a kind of "pre-test" as we begin the class.
Analysis Paper #2
We have spent considerable time going over a variety of sociological and critical concepts (also including bracketing, self-consciousness, empathy, and ignorance). Now I'd like you to try your hand at fitting them together. Write an analytical essay connecting them...they are all parts of a "whole" that is the basic foundation of this course. If you'd like...but its not necessary to could pick an issue or topic and illustrate them as you discuss it...but that's just one possible way to do this. The focus here is on the concepts and how well you understand them...keep that in mind.
Analysis Paper #3
The handout, "Effects of Logic System in Everyday Life," lists 10 characteristics or abilities we humans have. It also constrasts doing these things "dialectically" and doing them "formally." I'd like you to assess terms of the Logic System most dominant in your using the "results" as a general description of how you live. Are you more "dialectical" or more "formal"?
Analysis Paper #4
Provide your reactions TO and analysis OF The Stanford Prison Experiment Video. Remember though, the "criminological" aspects of it are secondary in this course. Concentrate mainly on the Research Method and Role aspects, although limited comment about the criminology of it is okay...just don't make them the main issue.
Analysis Paper #5
I want you to assess/analyze yourself in terms of how well or not so well you feel you met the Course Objectives for this course. You have a Handout covering them and they are also online in TSS in the LCC204 Room. There are 10 objectives...try to cover them all...maybe some in more depth than others. Give it a serious attempt...don't just scribble a paragraph or two. There's nothing "right or wrong" about your attempt will be the primary standard in grading them...a serious effort will result in the full 20 points.
Soc 204 Introduction
to Sociology
Development and application of the
sociological imagination, concepts, and
perspectives concerning human groups,
includes attention to socialization, culture,
organization, stratification and societies.
Examines fundamental concepts and research
I am choosing to use a "graduated grading scale." I believe this type of scale more adequately reflects the varying performances
by students. Under what I call a "lump-sum scale" (ABCDF), this variety is diminished. For example, there's a big difference betweem
an 89 average and an 80, yet with this type of scale both would result in a "B" (3.00). Using a graduated scale the 89 would be a "B+" (3.40)
and the 80 would be a "B-" (2.70). Both would be much closer to an accurate reflection of student performance. Also, this scale also allows
more reachable levels of improvement and therefore, continuing motivation to least grade-wise. If you have any questions, bring
them up in class.
Five (5) Analysis Papers worth 20 pts. each (10 for doing them and 10 evaluated). Topics are online above.
However, they will be assigned in class after relevant material is covered. Do not do them ahead of time.
Article Review
On an article of your choice from The Article Room...worth 50 pts. Instructions have been handed out and are
also online above.
Mid-Term Exam
This will be a Take-Home Exam covering the first two (2) Chapters and other assigned materials...worth 100 points.
Internet Assignment
A major paper involving Sociological sites or sociologically-relevant sites on the Internet...worth 100 points. Instructions have been handed out
and are online above.
Final Exam
This will be a Take-Home Exam covering the remaining chapters and assigned materials...worth 100 points.
Analysis Papers = 100
Article Review = 50
Mid-Term Exam = 100
Internet Assignment = 100
Final Exam = 100