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Sociology 210---Marriage and Family

Lane Community College
Winter 2001

TTH (11:30-12:50) in 420 Center

Office..................................... 418B Center
Office Hours.......10:30-11:15 & 1:00-1:30
Office Phone.............. 747-4501, Ext. 2064
Voice Mail.........741-1212 (Mailbox 7804)
Home Phone...............................736-0204

David H. Kessel


What you'll need for SOC 210
Class Policies and General Comments
LCC Catalog Course Description
Required Reading Materials
Schedule of Topics and Readings
Assignments and Instructions
Due Dates
Summary of Points in Course
Analysis Paper Topics
Grading Scale
Marriage & Family Room

Lane Community College
TSS Directory

LCC Catalog Course Description

Topics include romantic love, sexual patterns, courting and dating, intimate relationships, happiness and tension and conflict in relationships, separations, divorces, widowhood, remarriages, family systems in other cultures, family system in America, minority family patterns, current changes, and prospects for the future. Presents sociological descriptions and explanations of these topics and also guides students into ways of coping better in their own relationships

Grading Scale

A = 94-100 (Excellent)
A- = 90-93 (Good/Excellent)

B+ = 87-89 (Very Good)
B = 83-86 (Good)
B- = 80-82 (Good/Fair)

C+ = 77-79 (Fair)
C = 73-76 (Fair/Basic)
C- = 70-72 (Basic)

D+ = 66-69 (Poor/Basic)
D = 60-65 (Poor)

F = ??-59 (Needs alot more)

Required Reading Materials

Sociological Concepts

Marriages and Families, 7th Ed. by Lamanna and Riedmann

Infotrac (Wadsworth)

Materials in The Sociology Shop


"X: A Fabulous Child's Story"

Emma Goldman on Jealousy, Love, Marriage...and more

Schedule of Topics and Readings

4/02………Introduction/TSS/Sociological Concepts/What is a Family? (Chpt 1)

4/09………Family and Theoretical Perspectives (Chpt 2)

4/16………Gendered Identities (Chpt 3)

4/23………Love (Chpt 4) and Sexuality (Chpt 5)

4/30………Sexuality and Singlehood/Dating (Chpts. 6 & 7)

5/07………Marriages (Chpt 8) and Conflict (Chpt 9)

5/14………Power/Violence (Chpt 10) and Parenting (Chpts 11 & 12)

5/21………Parenting and Stepparenting (Chpt 15) and Work (Chpt 13)


6/04………Divorce (Chpt 14) and Stress (Chpt 16) and Conclusion

6/11..........Finals Week

Assignments and Instructions

Analysis Papers

There will be five (5) analysis papers on a variety of topics...each is worth 20 points...for a total of 100 points. Minimum length is 1 page...Maximum is 3 pages.

Internet Assignment

An assignment utilizing the Internet to find M/F sites of interest to you...worth 100 pts.

Discretionary Assignment

This assignment...worth 100 points...allows you to choose your own kind of assignments. Instructions are HERE

Final Exam

A take-home essay exam worth 100 pts...covering all course material.

Due Dates

4/09...............................Analysis Paper #1 Due

4/16...............................Analysis Paper #2 Due

4/30...............................Analysis Paper #3 Due

5/07...............................Internet Assignment Due

5/21...............................Analysis Paper #4 Due

6/04...............................Discretionary Assignment Due

6/04...............................Pass Out Final Exam

6/11...............................Final and AP #5 Due...6-8 in our Classroom

Summary of Points in the Course

Analysis Papers..............100 pts.
Article Review..................50 pts.
Mid-Term Exam.............100 pts.
Discretionary Assign.......100 pts.
Final Exam....................100 pts.
Total Points...................450 pts.

Emma Goldman

Many of you may have never heard of Emma, but she is a quite famous...hold onto your Lane County hats...Anarchist (oh no, David, not one of them!!) who had quite alot to say earlier in the 20th century. To say she was outspoken is like saying dead fish have a funny odor...duh!! In other words, Emma told it like it is...according, of course, to her own observations, analysis, and perspectives. The following links are to some of her writings (as well as a link to most of her other writings, if you're interested). She was, in addition to her self-described anarchist label, a feminist, a humanist, one variety of Marxist, a public lecturer, and a defined by those who kept putting her in jail for merely speaking her mind. In fact, she was at least once put in jail for simply saying she should speak her mind...that all women should. If you're interested in just what she meant by "anarchism"...I've included a link to her defining article about it. Take a look at the first two, in particular...they're quite relevant to our course.

Unfortunately, there's no online copy (that I can find) of an article she wrote that pertains to children, parenting, and education of children..."The Child and Its Enemies" I copied it for you and will pass it out in class.

Jealousy: Causes and a Possible Cure
Written some time around 1912...abd quite to the point.

Marriage and Love
Hold on...she's pretty blunt here...

Collected Works of Emma Goldman
Best source on the Internet for Emma's writings and lectures

Emma Goldman Bibliography
Very comprehensive list of her "stuff"

Anarchism: What it really stands for
Yes, its long, but if you'd like to know, Emma tells you brave now...and no, it doesn't have any particular reference to our course, so read if you will...for...say...learning????

Analysis Paper Topics

Analysis Paper #1

Do this one if you've NEVER TAKEN a course with me...

You've just read and considered some "Sociological Concepts" which are pertinent to a Critical Sociologicl approach. Some may have been familiar (from other Sociology courses you've taken) and some not...but whichever the case, I'd like you to try your hand at summarizing what you've read here. While you certainly don't have to mention each and every idea, try to be as inclusive (i.e. complete) as you can. So, overall...what "sense" does all of this make to you? Go on, give it a try...that's the point...trying.

Do this one if you HAVE TAKEN a course with me already...

After reviewing the "Sociological Concepts" pertinent to a Critical Sociological approach...the ones you were introduced to already, speculate about how we will apply/use these ideas in our study of Marriage and Family. I suggest, as a guide, that you take a look at the various topics in our textbook. What areas would need a critical analysis?

Analysis Paper #2

In Chapters 1 and 2 of our textbook the authors stress two major sets of ideas (among others):

..........1. Family Decline vs. Family Change

..........2. Individualism vs. Familism

Tell me what you think about these issues...and how (in what ways) they affect or have affected you in your family.

Analysis Paper #3

We have just finished reading, talking, discussing, and lecturing about love and then sexuality. Many have spoken up in class about the ideas covered, but I'm sure there's lots more on your mind about all of this. So, tell me what you think about what we've covered...LOVE...SEXUALITY... wow, what easy topics, huh? Analyze the issues you find most important and/or interesting. Say what you want...confidentiality is assured. The "cloak of silence" needs to be dropped.

Analysis Paper #4

Do this paper on ONE of the following FOUR possibilities:

1. Assess it or would it be a viable choice for you personally...why or why not?


2. Re: conflict...what kind of "fighter" are you? Assess yourself according to the ideas in our text and the handout ("Fifteen Suggestions for Constructive Conflict") passed out in class 2/27


3. Assess yourself (and a partner/"friend if you'd like to) according to the handout ("Areas to Consider in drawing up an Individual Marriage Contract") passed out in class on 2/27. Utilize this to assess yourself as to your perspectives and/or your compatibility (or lack thereof) with a prospective mate.


4. Assess your own, your parent's, other relative's or a friend's marriage in terms of the "Five Marriage Relationships" discussed in class and in our textbook beginning on page 230.

DUE: Tuesday, 3/6

Analysis Paper #5

Evaluate yourself in this course...not grade-wise...but rather, about the ideas, your reactions to them, your classmates (not individually, of course) discussions, and the course overall. Where and why were you reluctant to be swayed or in other words, what was the learning process like for you? Also, tell me what you thought of the textbook...and...the class assignments. Although I’ll probably get entered into this essay...the point of it is YOU, not me.

What You'll Need for SOC 210

&…SOC 210

You are going to need access to a Computer for this course…with access to The Internet. Whether its your own computer…or…one in a Lab on campus…or a friend’s computer…or one at a Library…or even one at a place like Kinko’s, they’re not that difficult to find these days. Why? Well, I’ve decided to copy less and post more for this course…saving on paper as well as costs. Also, Assignment Instructions will be online and some required readings will be online.

That also means you’ll need to learn a basic minimum of skills in navigating The Internet…The Web…Cyberspace…call it what you want. It’s a tool that’s quickly become necessity in today’s world…especially as it relates to academics. If you have no experience in doing this, there’s plenty of help available especially here at LCC. Then…there’s me…I’ll help as much as I can…in class and privately if necessary. So don’t panic if you’re in this category…it will be okay.

Finally, The Sociology Shop, my own website, is essential for this course. We have our own “room” in TSS, the SOC 210 Room where you’ll find links to the stuff I mentioned above. There's also other rooms which you may find helpful. I will help you become familiar with TSS and how to access information by use of the computer in our classroom and privately if desired.

Final Exam

Sociology 210
Marriage and Family
Lane Community College
David H. Kessel
Winter 2001
Final Exam

By now you should be familiar with the following quote from Harry Overstreet...I read it at the beginning of the course and just finished reading it again a few minutes ago. Likewise, you should now be aware that much of what has been covered in this course "fits into" Overstreet’s observation...or put another way, the course material, especially since the mid-term, could be used to illustrate what he means here.

So, I’d like you to write an essay (minimum = 2 pages...maximum = 4 pages) illustrating his observations with ideas in our textbook, lectures, handouts, and TSS. If you have indeed bracketed some personal views in this course, I doubt that you are any longer (if you ever did) taking the home (and marriage and relationships) for granted anymore. Your essay doesn’t have to utilize each and every idea we covered, nor does it have to deal with each and every idea Harry expresses. Rather, I want an essay that utilizes some of the more important things we talked about and read about...and therefore, which indicates to me you have some idea of what this is all about.

Although this exam is technically over the material since the mid-term...and excludes some chapters in the textbook, you may utilize ANY ideas we talked about in this course. I also suggest that there are some very important and useful Sociological Concepts with which to do all this.

So give it a summarizing try...afterall, this course hasn’t been about memorizing anything...its been about understanding and relating ideas and realities...I’m anxious to hear from you in this regard.

Harry Overstreet from THE MATURE MIND (1949)

"Thus, many things have happened to the home since machinery entered the world. For the most part, these things have not been clearly recognized by the individuals involved. The average adult, even the average parent, takes the home for granted as if it had come in its present form straight from the workshop of the Creator. Any suggestion that many things need to be changed, particularly in the economic order that has been so largely responsible for the altered and insecure modern home, either leaves him unconvinced or rouses him to anger against "radicalism." This is in itself a sign of adult immaturity. The very institution the adult most cares about is one about which he knows so little...and thinks so little, in any deep sense...that he has allowed it to become an institution secondary in power and at the mercy of forces that he considers it un-american to try to change.

It is quite possible that most of what has happened to the home is still beyond our individual power to correct. But maturity of mind would seem to require at least some intelligent awareness of the situation. The home is not the perfect institution that immature sentimentality makes it out to be. It is, today, full of serious dangers to the psychological health of both its individual members and our total culture. A readiness to see these dangers is called for...and an awareness of their character. The mature adult will regard the modern home as something to be deeply anxious about. Also, he will regard it as something to be cherished...and changed."

The exam is DUE between 10-12 AM on Thursday, 3/22...IN MY OFFICE (418). You can type or handwrite the exam...typing is preferred.But if you handwrite it, please be neat.

TSS Directory


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