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Welcome to the Outlet Room. Outlet? Yes, outlet for the writings of others.

Please read on...or click HERE to see what's already in TSS from others

If you'd like to see a clickable list of what original work I have contributed.

If interested, please come back and read my explanation and invitation. This applies to anyone, not just professors/teachers. It includes students or anyone at all even if not "in" academia in some way. Thanks, DHK

If you have a paper already written and would like to see it online, I’ll post it for you in The Sociology Shop. Maybe you delivered it somewhere, maybe it was even turned down somewhere. Who cares? If you feel that your paper was good and you covered the subject well, then I’ll post it here. Maybe you’ve just written something and never submitted to anyone...its sitting there and with, if necessary, a little editing it could be polished and put online for anyone to read. That’s my invitation...for you.

I’m not saying I’ll take just must be serious and lets say..."NOT non-humanistic"...ahem. I’d prefer something critically-oriented in the spirit of The Sociology Shop...but that constitutes a wide range of ideas and perspectives. My point isn’t to censor, rather its to facilitate the presentation of thoughtful ideas from which we can all learn.

I’ll create a web address for your work and you can pass that url along to anybody you’d like...or nobody at all...your choice. While The Sociology Shop isn’t the highest visited sociological site in all cyberspace, it’s been consistently growing since 10/98 and does manage to generate a few visitors now and then. Your work could help generate a few more.

Other than the Angelfire ads at the top of each page...which are forced upon me in the exhange for a total lack of cost of having and building a website...I sell nothing in TSS...your hits don’t make me money and I wouldn’t be making money from your labor motivation is to give "outlet" and to make TSS a more attractive and useful site...period.

If this invitation isn’t interesting to you, that’s okay by me. I hope you like TSS, at least what you’ve seen of it, and will explore some more of it.

If, on the other hand, you’re considering my invitation and the possibility of submitting something, I’d prefer to get ".doc" attachments in Word format, if possible. Yet, even extended emails are easily copied and pasted, right? Whatever it takes to get a copy to me. You will retain ownership of your work, not me nor TSS. If its copyrighted already, I’ll add "with permission" to your page. If you’d like to include a short biographical sketch about yourself and your work, that can be added, too. So, go ahead...send me something if you’d like.

To show you what it might look like, you can visit any of the following presentations already in TSS:

Writings by Others already in TSS

Power and the Plague
by Sheryl C. Stanley

When Fiction is Reality: Critical Thinking and Popular Culture
by Sheryl C. Stanley

Thurston High School---May 21, 1998
Original writing by eyewitness to the school shootings in Springfield, Oregon

James Gotten: Fiction based on Black Like Me
by Vickie Spencer

Statements of Teaching Philosophy
Post your own...Email it to me...document or url

Trangression as Identity
by Lauren Langman and Katie Cangemi

Seeking and Speaking the Truth
A Review of William Blum's Rogue Dan Brook

Unraveling the Mystery of History
A Review of Michael Parenti's History as Dan Brook

Critical Overview of Andrea Dworkin's WOMAN HATING
by Barbara K. Kessel

The Hundred Acre Woods: A Second Look
by Aimee Madsen

Islamic Lauren Langman and Douglas Morris

Sociological Dan Brook

The "Carnival Character" of the Present Lauren Langman

History and Biography: The Legacy of C. Wright Lauren Langman

How to Give a Great Job Interview...some humor by Joel Kirschbaum

I will place your writing into an appropriate TSS "room"...according to subject matter. However, I will also add it to the list in this room, The Outlet Room, so a complete list of all posted material can be in one place.

So....I’m serious about this invitation and I hope it grows. Plagerism is, of course, rather frowned upon...but I’m basically a trusting soul and generally give the benefit of the doubt to people. It’s not naivete on my part...its that I’d rather trust than not trust...despite what I know about the world.

Thanks...and I hope to hear from you soon...ask any questions you want, my email is below,

David H. Kessel

TSS Directory
