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Sociology 362

WSUV-Sociology 362

Juvenile Delinquency

Spring Semester---2000

David H. Kessel


Syllabus for Sociology 362

Schedule of Topics & Readings

Course Objectives

Handouts & TSS Materials for "Introduction"

Book Report Instructions

Internet Assignment Instructions

Discretionary Assignment Instructions

Washington State University-Vancouver

Washington State University (Pullman)

Department of Sociology (Pullman)

Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration: Washington's Juvenile Corrections System

Criminal Justice Resource Center (from Wadsworth Publishing)

Juvenile Justice Links from Internet Assignment

TSS Directory

Course Objectives for Sociology 362

These Course Objectives will tend to be more general than specific...but actually a mixture of the two. They are intended to "set the tone" for our course, to sort of set our sights on where and how we're going. They begin the "substance" of the course and should be taken serious.

1. To learn how to "bracket" your thinking, beliefs, values, and feelings about "juvenile delinquency" and "crime and criminals" so that new and/or different ideas can be given a "hearing."

2. To learn how to practice "empathy" in the investigation and discussion of sensitive and controversial ideas and realities. To learn that empathetic thinking is more than "feeling"...that it is a practice (a way of being) which leads to informed judgments rather than surface conclusions.

3. To learn (and learn to use) some concepts of critical sociological thinking in order to better assess the Juvenile Justice System.

4. To develop a "self-consciousness" about ourselves in relation to the "learned values" which have been handed down by our society and its agents. This means to learn to take control of one's own "knowing" and become one's own "agent" in the pursuit of knowledge.

5. To understand how the Juvenile Justice System terms of what people actually do rather than what "ought to be" or what "we think is done."

6. To investigate the conditions which give rise to what we call "delinquency." To understand that this concept and the system designed to deal with it are the products of a particular social and economic system and will reflect the assumptions, principles, AND practices of that system...including its least desirable qualities.

7. To learn that "crime" is NOT a "type of behavior," but rather, is a "definition about behavior."

8. To understand the variety of paradigms and theories influencing the policies of the Juvenile Justice System...from parents to police to courts to corrections.

9. To understand the use of discretion at every step and level of the Juvenile Justice System...and its relation to the so-called "rule of law" that we believe in so strongly.

10. To investigate and understand that "justice" may be more than merely what a System says it is or "step back" from our Juvenile System and ask if it is, itself, a "just" system.

Schedule of Topics & Readings

Class 1---1/12---No SS Chapters

----Introduction/Course Objectives

Class 2---1/19---SS1

----Concepts/Childhood & Delinquency

Class 3---1/26---SS1 & 2

----Childhood & Delinquency cont.

----Nature & Extent of Delinquency

Class 4---2/2---SS3-6

----Theories of Delinquency

Class 5---2/9---SS3-6

----Theories of Delinquency cont.

Class 6---2/16---SS7 & 8

----Gender & The Family

Class 7---2/23---SS7 & 8

----Gender & The Family cont.

Class 8---3/1---SS9-11

----Gangs, Schools, & Drugs

Class 9---3/8---SS9-11

----Gangs, Schools, & Drugs cont.

3/15--No Class--Spring Break

Class 10---3/22---SS12

----Juvenile Justice Advocacy

Class 11---3/29---SS13-15

----Police, Pretrial, Trial

Class 12---4/5---SS13-15

----Police, Pretrial, Trial cont.

Class 13---4/12---SS16 & 17

----Juvenile Corrections

Class 14---4/19---SS16 & 17

----Juvenile Corrections cont.

Class 15---4/26---SS16 & 17

----Juvenile Corrections cont.



This is the "bare-bones" schedule of Topics and Readings...following SS's chapter order. We have ample time to cover it some additions/supplements along the way. I'll provide additional printed Handouts in a timely well as required sites in TSS and on the Web in general. We won't, of course, be covering in class each and every topic/issue in SS's chapters...but you ARE responsible for all of it...use the text wisely and you'll do fine. memorization is for understanding...that's our goal.

Syllabus for SOC 362


Juvenile Delinquency, 7th Edition, by Siegel and Senna

Course Handouts

The Sociology Shop materials


A = 94-100

A- = 90-93

B+ = 87-89

B = 83-86

B- = 80-82

C+ = 77-79

C = 73-76

C- = 70-72

D+ = 66-69

D = 60-65

F = ??-59



There will be three (3) exams in this course. The first two will be Take-Home Essay exams...worth 50 points each. The third, the Final, will be an in-class Essay exam worth 100 points.

----1st Exam: SS1-6, CO's, HO's, TSS

----2nd Exam: SS7-12, HO's, TSS

----Final: SS13-17, HO's, TSS

Analysis Papers

There will be four (4) analysis papers worth 25 points each (10 for doing it and 15 graded). The topics will be announced in class.

Internet Assignment

There will be an assignment involving the Internet worth 50 points. Instructions will be provided.

Discretionary Assignment

There will be a Discretionary Assignment worth 50 points. The type of assignment will be up to the student...hence, the name "discretionary." Instructions will be provided.

Book ReportThere will be a book report worth 100 points...on a book of your choice in the area of Juvenile Delinquency. Instructions will be provided.


Examinations (3) = 200

Analysis Papers = 100

Internet Assignment = 50

Discretionary Assignment = 50

Book Report = 100



1/19-----Analysis Paper #1

2/2------Analysis Paper #2

2/9------Internet Assignment Due

---------Pass Out 1st Exam

2/16-----1st Exam Due

3/8------Analysis Paper #3

3/22-----Pass Out 2nd Exam

3/29-----2nd Exam Due

4/5------Discretionary Assignment Due

4/26-----Book Report Due

5/3------Final Exam

---------Analysis Paper #4--at Final


Assignments will NOT be accepted more than one (1) week after they are due. If you are late...without a documented will lose 7% of your score. Extensions will be granted (except for the Exams) IF you have a good reason (i.e. being "busy" is not a good reason!!).

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