AHD (The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness)(Paper--Fawcett Crest Books)
AOB (The Art of Being)(Hard--Continuum Pub Group)
AOL (The Art of Loving)(Paper--Bantam Books)
BCI (Beyond the Chains of Illusion)(Paper--Touchstone Book by Simon & Schuster)
EFF (Escape From Freedom)(Paper--Avon Books)
FL (The Forgotten Language)(Hard--Rinehart & Co)
FLL (For the Love of Life)(Hard--Free Press)
GLFT (Greatness and Limitations of Freud’s Thought)(Hard--Harper and Row)
HOM (The Heart of Man)(Hard--Harper and Row)
LMP (Let Man Prevail: A Socialist Manifesto & Program)(Paper--The Call Association)
MCM (Marx’s Concept of Man)(Paper--Frederick Ungar Publishing Co)
MFH (Man for Himself)(Hard--Rinehart & Co)
MMP (May Man Prevail)(Hard--Doubleday & Co)
OBH (On Being Human)(Hard--Continuum Pub Group)
ODOE (On Disobedience and Other Essays)(Hard--Seabury Press)
PAR (Psychoanalysis and Religion)(Paper--Bantam Books)
ROH (The Revolution of Hope)(Hard--Harper and Row)
ROP (The Revision of Psychoanalysis)(Hard--Westview Press)
SCMV (Social Character in a Mexican Village)(Hard--Prentice-Hall)
SFM (Sigmund Freud’s Mission)(Hard--Peter Smith Publishing)
SS (The Sane Society)(Paper--Fawcett Premier Books)
TAL (The Art of Listening)(Hard--Continuum Pub Group)
TCOP (The Crisis of Psychoanalysis)((Paper--Fawcett Premier Books)
TDOC (The Dogma of Christ and other essays)(Paper--Anchor Books--Doubleday & Co)
THTB (To Have or To Be)(Hard--Harper and Row)
WCWG (The Working Class in Weimar Germany)(Hard--Harvard University Press)
YSG (You Shall Be As Gods)(Paper--Fawcett Premier Books)
ZBP (Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis)(Hard--Harper & Row)