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Guidelines for TV Show Review: Crime

1. Name of the show/network---Title of Episode?

2. Describe the story line/plot

-Major (large) issue(s) dealt with and type(s) of crime
-Result: resolution or unresolved?
-how many cases (separate crimes)?
-any other crimes not part of main story line?

3. Who are the perpetrators?

-Socio-economic status
-Place of dwelling
-Speech/language used
-Physical characteristics
-Distinctive clothing
-Personality characteristics

4. Who are the victims (and family/friend survivors)?

-alive or dead...injured?
-socio-economic status?
-Gender, Age, etc.?

5. Who are the investigating officers?

-How are they portrayed?
-uniform or detectives?
-physical characteristics?
-discernible attitudes toward job/case/criminals?
-reluctant or willing or not-willing “violators” of “rights”?
-how are the processes of law enforcement shown

6. Image of Crime/Criminal Activities?

-motivations for committing crimes?
-degree of social factors discussed or portrayed?
-How Solved? Individual solutions or Societal Change?
-How much physical violence was involved in crime/catching the suspect?

7. Things to Watch For:

-Stereotypical presentations
-Model(s) of Justice utilized (or portrayed.. .even if not dominant)?
-Identifiable “criminological paradigms”?
-Uses of “discretion” at various levels?

8. Your analysis/reactions:

-sensitizing or desensitizing?
-How ideological?
-”Messages” being sent to audience?
-anything else?

9. Conclusion or Summary Comments for all shows...combined

-What do you make of them?
-Taking a sociological perspective: what have you viewed?