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12/20/00---An Open Letter to Liberals and Democrats

NOTE: I am an avid reader of one of the best news sources on the Web...Buzzflash. In addition to the many news articles they provide, they publish numerous letters from their readers, too. The following is a letter I sent to them on 12/20/00. Although they haven't posted it as of yet...who knows if they will...I decided to use it as a Commentary, my first in some time. So, read it in that manner...I was addressing the many liberals and Democrats who have posted passionate letters in opposition to the "selection" of the boy-man from Tex...ass. Here's what I entitled "An Open Letter to Liberals and Democrats":

I have been reading with interest all the posts from Buzzflash readers...agreeing with most of them in spirit, if not in all substantive points. However, I feel the need for my 2 cents worth now...since I'm neither a liberal nor a Democrat (much less a right-wing conservative Republican). Rather, I'm a radical progressive (meaning one who goes to the root and wants wholesale changes in the way we do things in this country...starting with the economic system) who has held the view for some time that this all its corrupt...that the barrel itself is rotten. Reform movements are just what is already there...and they do little good. So, I'd like to address all the liberals and democrats who have been so disturbed by the so-called death of democracy. I'm being sincere...I'm not making fun of anyone nor am I putting them down. I know that many are outraged about what has/is happening and I empathize with them, so to put it bluntly...I'm NOT the enemy here.

In order for democracy to have died this year means it had to be alive in the first place. That's one major difference between a radical progressive and an in-system liberal...RP's have long ago given up the notion that this is a democracy and that ballot boxes and scheduled elections mean anything more than a periodic changing of the guard of the one-party-with-two-wings (yes, with SOME differences) capitalist system. Think of it like getting a new CEO every once in a while...certain policies may change but the over purpose and goal of the company stays the same...perpetuation of a system of fundamental degradation and exploitation of ALL people. The purpose of these "elections" is to make sure the climate and atmosphere promoting the profitable accumulation of capital goes on choosing a manager and his/her "board" who won't do anything drastic. As radical political scientist Michael Parenti puts it...its not a matter of whether there are any differences between the Republicans and the Democrats, but rather, whether these differences MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE. So, yes, there ARE differences and one can clearly hear them in the passionate words of many writers to Buzzflash. But, on the level of "who governs"...those differences don't make much of a difference...never have nor never will.

The formal system of elections is real...we really do get to vote, etc. But the substantive system is also very real and that's what has been revealed in this election year and specifically in Fla. That's why both parties wanted it over so fast...not to mention the Supremes in DC. We're kept busy worrying about the formal system and meanwhile those who really govern this nation do just as they damn wll please. Most policy makers are not elected. Most decision makers are unknown. There are over 7000 posts in various permenant government agencies who never stand for election...are appointed...and unknown to most of us. While I won't say that it makes no difference who is president, the Clinton-Gore years have shown clearly just how little difference it really makes. They have out-republicaned the Republicans. Gore and other Democrats were in charge of the Senate when both Thomas and Scalia were approved...guess that wasn't such a good idea, huh? Without being personal about any of you liberals and're all different people, I've been trying to have your cake and eat it too. You've been trying to put a human face on an inhuman system. You have permenant crotch-itch from sitting on the fence when it comes to your principles. You've pretended that a party that seemingly once stood for "people" (doubtful, at best, without specifying WHICH people) is still doing so.

So, what's my point? It's this...listening to your angst has brought me to the point that I extend an invitation to you. It's way past time to deride each other (my words above aren't meant that way). Many of you have been "radicalized"...meaning the "root" is much clearer now. Remember, "radical" doesn't mean extreme...extreme means extreme. Radical means to "go to the root" in your analysis...its a way/method of knowing that doesn't take the surface (form) of things as real. I read with care all the points and critiques in your letters and it seems clear to me that some of you are ready to take a step outside this least value-wise...and breathe in the fresh air of authentic freedom of thought. If and when you do, you'll find me and other radicals ready to welcome you...ready to join WITH you in effecting real change in this country. Please, don't think I think I know everything there is to know...even I don't think that about myself. Rather, if you want to think anything, think that there is at least one individual out here who understands what you're going through. I went through it earlier than some of you, clearly...but I DID go through it. To become disillusioned means that there must have been illusions there in the first place, right? Right. There's only one kind of reality which needs illusions...a reality of illusions.

Some will think of me as being presumptious...I apologize if you think that. Some will think that I'm generalizing from my own experience growing up in capitalist america with its republican form of government (the EXACT kind that Madison, Hamilton and the founding boys wanted...go the Federalist Papers, especially #10). Even others will simply dismiss my words as the ranting of a...what?...(you fill in the blank). But what I'm really doing...from my intentional asking you to think deeper than just a stolen election or of a "good man" like Gore who got the shaft. While I certainly prefer Al to the ass who would be president come 1/20/01, Gore is no hero of mine. BOTH are products of a system which needs to be overhauled, not just tinkered with incrementally. Not only do I consider it a waste of time right now considering who the Democrats should nominate in 2004, it's a waste of time, period. Whomever it will be won't be much different than the choices we had this year. Quit kidding yourself...that's the first step in increasing your awareness of what really goes on not only in FLA but in every township, county, city, and state in the USA. Start with being honest with matter how crumpled your "identity" becomes.

I'll end this with once again extending the invitation which is the purpose of my writing this...please, if you've had enough of rationalizing this system and yourselves in the process, find a radical and take them to lunch...get to know them...they're people just like you. If you're a radical...find a liberal and take them to lunch, too. Talk to each other...hell, talk to ME.

I was once a conservative...I was once a I'm me, period. Yes, I'm "hard" on liberals, mainly because you should know better. Conservatives...they have 4 things to say in 3 different ways and then they're done...kaput!! They're such easy pickings, really. But liberals, most are intelligent and caring and duped by their own ideology. If you're one of them, isn't it time for a change?

Thanks for listening...

David H. Kessel