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We are coming from the sixties....

We are coming from the sixties c1998 by S.M. Plottner

There is shaman south of Goshen,
there is nomad east of Eden,
we are coming from the sixties
to a Woodstock of redemption.

We are hammering our crosses,
we are castigating heathens,
a fire in New Delhi burns
the flesh from all our losses.

There are heroes coming forward,
there are infidels at Graceland,
we are coming from the sixties
with Pandora's box of reward.

We are mapping out a beachhead
in the desert of your thinking,
we are selling painted neckties
from the bowels of Grateful Dead.

There is leather on the Beltway,
there is lather on the White House,
we are coming from the sixties
to a sit-in we call groomsday.

We are blocking every icon,
we are stopping every idol,
we are crushing movie makers
who turn tyranny to sitcom.

There are crowds forever praying,
there are faces finally crying,
a bunker in Beirut has fallen
prey to every pride decaying.

We are challenging Trilateral,
we are choking Dahmer dummies,
we are coming from the sixties
with our souls as our collateral.

We are instigating anarchy
in every bank and board room,
we are coming from the sixties
with our goal to reach Gethsemene.

Disney Adv & Family Fun

E-books by S.M. Plottner

There's a light beyond these woods....

Be here now. Click for next splotworks.