Michael's House of Fine Literature
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Michael's House of Fine Literature

Table of Contents

Gooba Goes for the Gold

This is a short story about a gorilla named Gooba Gorilla and trukuy monkey. They got a really good job in a mine digging for gold his bosses name was Minny Mouse. But the thing is he didn t get paid, that was because what you dig up you get in that job. For months and months he they find anything until Gooba went out and rented a drill all his problems were solved he got big hunks of gold.

He went to Hawaii on the big red boat. He brought with him his two friends, Trunky Monkey and Minny Mouse.

Terible Turkey was in Hawaii also so Gooba had to keep his treasure under lock and key. Gooba also had an alarm system on the trunk so if anyone even tried to touch the trunk the alarm system would go off.

He got tired of keeping his treasure under lock and key because he was going to die out of old age. So he decided to bury his treasure in the sands of one of the islands of Hawaii. He drew up a map of where he would bury the treasure so only the person to find the map would be able to find the treasure.

I have the map. Do you want to go to Hawaii with me?

The Fable of Spider

There once was a kid named Spider. He was mean to everyone. One day, he got hit. He only said "REDRUM". He went on being mean and getting hit. Each time he got hit he said "REDRUM".

One day, when the whole school had hit him, there was an alien invasion and blew up the school, but Spider was absent that day.

Moral: Don't hit people

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