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Please Try Again? Hey, I won a chance to try again!

Star Trek
Video Games


Mental Vortex's first contest! After all this time, finally a chance to win. Here's the contest:

Show us Aelric!

Other than the basic description given by Aelric himself in his story, no one seems to know what this mysterious sorcerer looks like. It's up to you to fix that. We're looking for pictures of him.

The Rules:

Entries should be in either .gif or .jpg format. They should also be your own work. Other formats may be accepted, though. To submit your entry, Send the name you want displayed with your entry, your email address, and your entry to this address: Please use Aelric Contest Entry as the subject of your email. or if you need to use a format other than these, please Send an email here with Aelric question as the subject Paper submissions are also accepted, just send an email to get the mailing address.

After a reasonable number of entries have been submitted, a grand prize winner and two runner-ups will be decided by me and three other judges. Winners will recieve custom awards for their own websites/blogs/etc. The grand prize winning picture will also be displayed on all pages of the Aelric's Journey section. So, have fun and send us those pics