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Greetings (willing) readers and subscribers of:

December 13, 2002

Topic: Daniel moves to California, kundalini

May peace be upon you all this holiday season, whether you are Muslim, Jewish or Christian. Or for that matter, Hindu, Buddhist, or, fill in the blank. (As if an angel would play religious, sectarian favorites.)

Not much in today’s newsletter, but a notification that the author has moved his physical body from Boise, Idaho, to Northern California.

I’ve now lived in Boise Idaho for more than four years. It is an excellent city overall, and it was the location where I was Christened (anointed) with the holy angelic Spirit in October 1999. I will always love this city, as it reminds me of Jerusalem: desert like surroundings, same population and a very religious, church-going population. One day I may move back.

There was, in November, a divine ‘itch’ if you will, to ‘get up and go’ somewhere. That area was determined through prayer, among several other factors. It initially (past week) was Chico, which is close to Sacramento.

As mentioned previously, as a direct result of the recent ascension (three years now as an incarnate angel and prophet), I began pulling away, out of necessity. Why? Well, for instance, since 1999 several THOUSAND, complete strangers have REGULARILY been shocked at the VISUAL appearance of the angelic aura emanating for many feet around the body, with massive, swan like wings radiating from the back. These people are not imagining this, or seeing a vague illusion. I never tell them I am an angel. Yet day after day, in public places, they continually say, with tears of awe, all in my direction, " God, this guy, he's an angel!" But why am I telling you this? So you can bow down and worship me? NO! Also, because virtually none of you have ever heard of something of this magnitude happening, past or future, to any human, some would entertain the audacious concept that this is fabrication, or a lie! NEVER, EVER, would I lie to you in any of these matters. I even had to quit an office job in late 2001 after a month, because of this reason: within days everyone began seeing the wings radiating across the office, and within another few days everyone there knew, through the gossip grapevine (I cannot always control when they become visible).

This pulling away from all mortal concerns, even normal employment, was not difficult, for by the time of the awakening I was already as a celibate, renunciate monk, having at that point conquered self and overcome the world, no longer possessing or exhibiting the need or desire to engage in earthly pursuits of the common man; pursuits considered ‘normal.’ I am no longer human, therefore the pursuits are completely different.

I am now completely outside of the ‘system’ altogether. I do not have nor exhibit any wants, passions or desires. Our internal hells and miseries are linked directly to desire. I am now utterly free from all possessions, desires, attachments, and therefore all worldly duties, responsibilities and obligations. I have been freed liberated. And eventually this will also include the soul attachments created with many of you regular readers, who have come to expect regular, LIVE updates since March, 1998. Those who have been here from the start were able to witness, in writing, the profound, glorious process of the awakening, and its headaches.(Such as hostile critics/naysayers.) One day, relatively soon in the earth plane existence, a few years, perhaps, those messages coming to you in physical form, through the typing of my hands, will end. But worry not, for in spirit form will I be with you all, always, while you still are in the flesh, and for some, beyond. While in the world, I am that light of the world that shines over all. There will come a time when Daniel will be no more, as in the case of Enoch, for God will have taken him, when the conscious exit from the body occurs. The mutation into immortality.

You see, the Divine Bliss received and absorbed by an angel is so overpowering, that any and all conceivable desire is met and surpassed, multiplied by 10. Carnal desire is essentially REPLACED then vastly overshadowed the all-consuming Holy Spirit; the Om/Amen, or audible, vibratory Lifestream of the universe. This is the end-state of human and soul evolution; it is the resurrection to eternal life, and entry in to the very narrow gates of the Kingdom of God, by the difficult road less traveled, while still living in the flesh. Yogis call this Samahdi.For Buddhists, Nirvana. Can you imagine the all-consuming, life-energizing bliss, total peace and contentment? Not once in a while, but all the time? It is an existence beyond “joy” or “happiness.” And it is the end to suffering, misery, confusion, and reincarnation. Such is the reward for aligning perfectly to divine will and character through spiritual growth, evolution and most importantly, progressive deep meditation.

Now, at the same time, the first edition of the Final Book of Daniel has been published (available at 1st, and Barnes and Noble), creating a temporary dilemma: how to soon sever this one last remaining tie to the earth plane, while knowing it should involve all my time promoting, etc.? Remember that this is all totally non-profit.

If it were my choice, my friend, not a single soul on this planet would be hearing about this. It is not my style to seek attention, glory, fame or money, and especially not now, or ever, regarding these matters. Do you think I enjoy the massive burden, sacrifice, persecutions, threats and attacks by ignorant, unascendant mortals? I have become a suffering servant of God, and have not benefited or profited in any way for these efforts. My motive is truth, period. Nothing more. But the truth hurts.

Some of you still don't seem to understand the magnitude of the profound, historical and celestial true/non-fiction story you are reading! As a direct result of these appearances, I've had to deliberately detach myself from all mortal pursuits, away from the public, precisely because of this reason. This is what may be called the superhero syndrome. Like Peter Parker, after being blessed with supernatural abilities, found that, very soon, some people would mistake his motives (Like Jonah, who thinks he's a masked criminal, just as certain people would mistaken call 21st century Daniel a 'false prophet' or 'fallen angel'), and thereafter would have to live a double life. One low-key, as a humble reporter, the other as a evil fighting superhero. For 21st century Daniel, an ignorance-fighting prophet (with powers), while in person the most peaceful, and peace-loving, gentle, tolerant, compassionate and loving entity you will ever meet, and never angry, judgmental or intolerant. I now spend most of my time meditating alone, in deep communion with God, divinely unable to function as a "regular" human being. This is what happens during the angelification of a mortal: he lives between two worlds. And it will remain this way until all divine duties which require the physical body to be present (such as typing letters on a keyboard.) My only real purpose, or motive, here is to bring lost souls back to the light. The students who are ready for the teacher. "I call upon many, but the few are chosen." There are a few children of light who have specifically reincarnated at this time in order to meet up with Daniel at his final return, and that is the purpose of an early release of the first edition of the book; many of these individuals have already "coincidentally" come across me. Of course this means many of the dogs and swine will unfortunately also get the message, who will trample underfoot.

Anyways, I’ve sensed a deadline in the realm of time and space, that the next, revised and expanded, possibly final edition of the book to be around 2004 or 2005. There in the next year shall be included new insights, visions and prophecies -- visions only the real Daniel himself could ever receive.

Everything now is totally placed in the hands of God, including my destiny.

Which brings us to another concern, a concern valid only for a select few, and I hope you are getting a sense of who you are. That is, those of you who feel, without a doubt, that they feel they do not belong to this world, have evolved to the point where they are close to the end-state of enlightenment, or at least those who have a sincere, burning desire to reach that level of liberation. Around Northern California there exists many spiritual retreats and monasteries (Such as Buddhist or yoga; these are much less dogmatic than, say, Catholicism, and more attuned to the ways of spiritual progress) present where one can choose to spend a couple of weeks, or more, indefinitely really, to either recharge, or go the whole way, to attaining spiritual mastery. Sometime soon, perhaps this winter, spring or summer, I may join such a community, suitable for someone like me, already at that state, or you, if desiring to arrive at this state and state, of California, that is, to settle into. Obviously this is a difficult and life-altering experience to even consider such a move and stay, and one should be willing to shun the mainstream and all of its vacant, pointless, delusional, materialistic pursuits, in exchange for the search for the Ultimate Truth, which lies within. The statement by Jesus of the “kingdom of God being within you” is one of the most important of His teachings…it is a miracle it has even survived the ages. And within is where you ultimately will see God.

The goal is to eventually meet up with another Master, or what some call a Sant Guru, where we can be initiated. Now, one may argue that Daniel is already at this state, and essentially this is true, but the very highest state must be completed, to fulfill all righteousness, in the same way John the Baptist (a Master) initiated Jesus at the Jordan river baptism. In fact I’ve already done this, but have never met a Master in person yet (in spirit I have, and it seems to have been somewhere in central Asia, when I entered the higher, subtle realms.) So if you are beginning to feel this society is not for you, and are considering making the plunge, and are truly, sincerely and with whole-hearted conviction, fell they are ready or soon will be, then let s begin the discussion. E-mail me at: . And don’t ever feel afraid or intimidated by me. (But don’t expect an immediate reply. Perhaps, together, and with others, we can connect at such a community. They will be incredibly blessed to have a real, live, resident holy angel among themselves. Only the serious seeker need apply.

The best place I have determined, and one I definitely will visit at one point or another, is the Ananda Expanding Light Retreat in Nevada California, close to Lake Tahoe. They have short (paid) retreats, but they also have something suitable for me, and some of you: a work exchange program, where one can live on site (free) for between 2 weeks to 3 months (or more), engaged in true spiritual living. (Includes lodging, vegetarian meals, yoga meditation and classes morning and night, with karma yoga (work) for 6 hours/day.) This was started by the Yogi/Swami Paramhansa Yogananda, author of “Autobiography of a yogi.”

My lifestyle is already that of a monk (Ananda also has a monastic order)....might as well make the formal transition while still in the flesh. The physical body has become too sensitive for societal living. Yet I am equally content to spend the rest of my days meditating on a mountain or in a cave, day in and day out, as has often been the case since the awakening. Yes, this is the stereotypical “guru on the mountain” situation, like John the Baptist, or the cave like Mohammed.

And Jesus. Daniel is in a sense the “voice crying out in the wilderness,” in the spirit of Elijah.

The birds of the air have nest, but the son of man has no place to rest his head. (Jesus) Yes, Jesus was “homeless.”

I say the truth: when one reaches this spiritual state, of the Christ, you essentially feel compelled to be a wandering hermit, attached to nothing –- even location.

However, in this society this is frowned upon and treated with disrespect. In India, such individuals are highly revered. They are called Sadhus.

A worldly minded person can never comprehend this; they are too attached to the earth plane and entangled in the illusory, passing pleasures it offers, not grasping that there exists a MUCH HIGHER glory that can be attained, and a true resurrection and nirvana and liberation. But it is in opposition to things of the flesh. Ironically, I used to be one of these earthly-minded cynics, caught up in sense-seeking, believing all there was to existence was only what we could perceive with our five senses, how others viewed you, status, looks, fame, the size of your bank account and quantity of creature comforts accumulated. How naïve and shallow! Thankfully I have graduated/ascended from all these things, and cannot be tempted by them. I would not trade what I have for a billion dollars, kingship, or all the beautiful women in the world. You cannot serve God and wealth. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. But the mainstream establishment and status quo doesn’t want you to know this; you would become a threat to the system of things, including established religion. You and your enlightened knowledge would be considered dangerous to them, and all things unessential. When you reach this state, and many will, understand.

Remember that this story, that of Daniel’s return, is one of the most important and profound you will ever read.

Peace, and Love…


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