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More Deception From the NERC and Power Grid


There's something very suspicious about the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) when it comes to y2k. It is a small, powerless industry owned organization. From the reports it issues concerning y2k and the grid we are led to believe everything is peachy keen. The latest (and aparently the last) report came out yesterday ( Click here to read it --PDF reader required) and gives what it considers the status on power companies.

The news headlines and sound-bites in the mainstream press, in its coverage of the report, all proclaim something to the effect of:

"U.S. Electric Sector Deemed Ready for Y2K Computer Glitch," or

"Power co's ready for Y2K."

Although I'd be thrilled to take this at face value, we on the internet who have studied y2k for any significant length of time know this is very deceptive when looked through a magnifying glass.

It's a shame such fraudulent propaganda is taken at face value without any investigative journalism on the part of reporters. The NERC seems intent on purposefully deceiving the public into believing there is no risk of power outages in 2000. Like the banking industry, image and perception over reality is the overiding goal and motive in an atmosphere of y2k anxiety and uncertainty.

(Exerpts from World Net Daily: )

"...NERC states that there are 3,088 electric supply and delivery organizations in North America which have participated in their Y2K readiness process to date in section 2.1 of the report. In section 2.4 they claim that only 251 organizations are recognized by NERC as Y2K ready, which they list in Appendix B. Despite this vast difference in numbers they claim over 99 percent of power systems are currently ready to meet the challenges of the Y2K bug, and they are confident the lights will remain on.

That report uses contrived definitions to be able to proclaim that power plants are Y2K ready. The report does admit that 64 power companies are not ready today, and gives different dates of final preparedness between now and the end of October...."

The NERC recently conducted a bogus drill on April 9, 1999 disguised as a test of the grid or other y2k systems. It was merely a drill conducted to determined communications capabilities between workers and plants in case telecommunications lines failed due to y2k. As this anonymous memo as reported by World Net Daily reveals:

"..."It seems clear to me that there is a direct effort to cover up the problems in this industry. The public is not being told the truth, and there is an official plan to deceive them even more," he stated on condition of anonymity. "They are cooking the books to look much better than they are. This test on April 9 is nothing more than a public relations stunt," he charged...."

In the NERC's requests to individual utilities in lieu of this drill it even had the audacity to proclaim:

"Do not make the drill too complex. We want to have a successful and meaningful story for publication..."

Which gives away their obvious intent: to score a PR victory.

As recently covered , the so-called data used by the NERC for these status reports is not only self-reported, but blatantly designed to skew the results to appear optimistic and successful by providing template letters to power companies... then accepts the same letters back as evidence of compliance!

Y2KNEWSWIRE interviewed a NERC spokesperson as well as an industry spokesperson representing a very large power utility company in the South. Both confirmed NERC as the source of these documents. One even admitted to Y2KNEWSWIRE that electric utilities are collaborating on what language to use, saying, "We are working with a few of the other major utilities real closely so we're all talking the same language basically."

Given this information, the power industry "compliance" process suddenly becomes clear:

1.NERC provides the template documents to a power company.

2.The power company inserts their company name and attributes the good-sounding quotes to their company president, CIO or spokesperson.

3.The power company "officially" submits this letter back to NERC.

4.NERC sees the letter and -- surprise! -- everything sounds great. The power company is given the thumbs up.

In other words, what NERC is doing is like handing out the answers to the test, asking students to put their name on the top, then giving everybody an 'A'.

This deception and mis-reporting/understanding is very unfortunate, given the seriousness, gravity and implications of an extended power outage due to y2k.

Most independent power industry/y2k experts flat out disagree with the NERC assessments and widely expect major outages in the US. But "NERC" sounds official and is therefore taken seriously. Even Mr. optimist Dick Mills says the national power grid faces a high probability of going down for 3 days. What does Rick Cowles, author of expect to happen?

"I am convinced there is a 100% chance that a major portion of the domestic electrical infrastructure will be lost as a result of the Year 2000 computer and embedded systems problem." ...

What do I think may happen?

Martial law implemented; possible nationalization of electrical utilities and/or transportation industry. Several weeks of massive local and regional outages, brown-outs, 'dirty power' and rationing of electricity with concerted, full-scale national effort to restore. Grid possibly manually disconnected into smaller regions with cities given rationing priority; rural areas and certain sectors of the country without power for an extended period. (here is a different explanation ). Becomes largely stabilized after 3-4 weeks or so.

Does this mean we are out of the woods yet? No, this is just the beginning. At the minimum expect further power outages and brown-outs and disruptions throughout the next 6 months --if we are lucky. We then have to deal with trains that may no longer be delivering enough coal to supply most power plants when there are difficulties with computerized switching. These shortages could begin after 30 days when stockpiles run down. Eventually there may also be petroleum shortages through failures of the transportation industry, which will cut back availability of fuel for trains to run. Then we will have to eventually deal with a severely contracting economy and division of labor occuring with a collapsing banking system which would eliminate its ability to pay suppliers, employees. Then power companies would have to deal with bankrupting suppliers and manufacturers that enable it to keep operations running. In essence, it is the eventual systemic failure of modern industrial society through the domino effect that threatens a long term grid failure.

If we fail to succeed in these efforts of keeping up the grid, power companies, suppliers and all portions which make this sector operational for 6-8 consecutive weeks or so despite these efforts, we can assume it may not go back up due to destruction of capital base and deterioration of physical infrastructure. It can then be assumed that modern civilization would collapse.

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