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Red Cross & FEMA


Author's comment on recent occurance:

Being a y2k obsessive kind of chap I checked to see what the local branch of the Red Cross had planned for y2k. The lady on the other end of the phone cheerfully offered to send a three page brochure breifly explaining why we should prepare for y2k. (It was kind of drab as you might expect, saying a weeks worth of prep is fine)

I then clarified and mentioned what my concern was and asked: How are you going to deal with y2k. What are your specific plans? There was a moment of silence then, somewhat taken aback, she mentioned they had no plans whatsoever!

I fell off my chair. In fact I was down right angry! I then realized that for the whole Boise region (and probably all of Idaho) their y2k plans consisted of sending out $0.05 brochures. They have only two people for the disaster section on staff!

When I received the brochure in the mail, I looked on the back which proudly displayed the Red Cross moto:

We'll be There...

Not this time...


Check out what shenanigins FEMA has spouted recently: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) used to recommend that citizens stockpile 14 days of food and water in case of unexpected emergencies such as blizzards, hurricanes, or earthquakes. As Steve Davis points out on his web site:

"You may be interested to know that while FEMA is only recommending two to three days of preparedness for Y2K, they have traditionally recommended two weeks of preparedness as a short-term disaster supply kit.  Due to the conflict that this presented to them, they removed this two week guidance from their web site.  However, I had a copy of it so you can still find it here. See the FEMA document "Food and Water in an Emergency" which says:

Short-Term Supplies: Even though it is unlikely that an emergency would cut off your food supply for two weeks, you should prepare a supply that will last that long.  The easiest way to develop a two-week stockpile is to increase the amount of basic foods you normally keep on your shelves."

In other words they are saying: "Don't panic, don't take your money out of the bank. If it gets bad WE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU."

Just wait for the big military truck with FEMA printed on the side to bring you water.

A note to officials and leaders: These recommendations are irresponsible. We need people to prepare and do it as soon as possible! As in now. It is YOU who are guaranteeing a future panic, not those who are preparing before hand.

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