What's to say about Umi? She's my FAVORITE!! She's spoiled, bossy, she speaks her mind, she's independent, and has the cuttest fights with Makona, and I love her hair!! She's just the best ^_^ But enough praise, this little section is here for the facts (well... maybe a little bit of praise) When she first came to Cephiro all she could think about was going back to Tokyo, and entering the fencing tournament. Over time she became very close to Fuu, and Hikaru, and she became a little dependant of them. Although still wanted so much to go back to Tokyo, but after a while she got over the fact that she was in another world more, and more. In the earlier episodes of the 1st series she was in 8th grade, and was the prettiest of all the Knights. But for some reason, in the early episodes, she has the smallest love life. I'm in total shock about that, don't ask me why, probably because I like her so much :)
Umi doesn't hook up because she's basically the only knight not looking for a boyfriend. Still... she's got something with Glef and Ascot. But that's for another section.
Umi is the Knight that learns water magic. In other words all her moves are magic, and she has a special connection to water. It's the same thing with Hikaru, but Umi has everything possible blue. Fuu's hair isn't even green :P That just helps prove thta Umi's better. Joking. :)
*Birthday: March 3
*Sign: pisces
*Blood Type:A
*Favorite Food:Spagetti
*Least Favorite Food: Sweets in general
*Favorite Subject: English
*Least Favorite Subject: Home Economics
*Grade: 8th
*Hobbies: Baking Cookies
*Family: Mother, and Father
*Hair Color: Blue
*Mecha God: Ceres
*Magic: Water
*Love Interests: Ascot, and Guru Clef ^_^
*Future Occupation: Bride (aww)
Umi Ryuuzaki
Hikaru Shidou
Fuu Hououji
Other Characters
English Lyrics
Manga Summary
Smashed Ice