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This our Ship Mascot, Amadeus. He is cares for down in Scotts Mill, Oregon. We help provide food and money to support a growing Siberian Tiger. Several of the pictures were taken in his feeding area, hence the small cage.


Amadeus1.jpg (35469 bytes)    Amadeus having  snack.            Amadeus2.jpg (47650 bytes)    More Munching

Amadeus3.jpg (62487 bytes)   Hungry, isn't he?                                 Amadeus4.jpg (49603 bytes)    Wandering his cage

Amadeus5.jpg (44620 bytes)    Liver Popsicle... Yummm...           Amadeus6.jpg (70629 bytes)   More food, please...

Amadeus7.jpg (67961 bytes)   Much better...       

Cougar1.jpg (38961 bytes)   Cougar wanting his share...      Cougar2.jpg (25568 bytes)    What do YOU want??

Dad&eric.jpg (27709 bytes)   Eric Hustoff and Bob Ison    Lizzy.jpg (30464 bytes)    Lizzy Shannon and handler


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